Don't do it

TVC was a no show for my ticket, was arrested and lost everything

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Dec 13, 2012
I agree NEW
by: Anonymous

as TVC Representative. I have to agree with your response. I have had no complaints. And there is no competition. as we are the only motor club that offers so many benefits in our Pro-driver package, no one comes close, not even AllState.

Oct 11, 2010
by: Hervy

lol, Dennis your funny man!

I would love to hear that whole story, I bet there was a little twist in there somewhere. No name and no breakdown of what occurred.

I will say this though. No show is a straight forward FAIL. If that is what happened, Dennis has a point, seems like easy grounds for some type of action if they said they would appear and you wouldn't have to and they didn't.

If on the other hand you are exaggerating, or there was a misunderstanding that lead to the terrible situation where you lost everything, the blame might not be entirely on the other party.

Like I said though we have no idea what exactly went down, and so we don't know if you are properly identifying what happened or if you are just upset because of how it affected you and you need to vent and toss blame wherever you can.
(People do that all the time, I'm just saying)

Obviously if there is truly a flaw in the service we would want to discontinue the relationship between them and this site.

I know people who have used TVC personally and I have had it for years, but never had to use it.

Until you come back with details, I would believe you are actually a salesman from a competing plan before I believe that comment you posted.

If by chance it is true, sorry you lost everything man, hope you are back on your feet and if there is really a specific warning about the incident and TVC that you need to warn us about, I wish you would elaborate so that we can get someone (Carmello's perspective) to explain why there was a fail.


Sep 17, 2010
Don't do it
by: Dennis Shipman

Don't waste time time complaining to us, sue 'em for legal malpractice. 10-4?

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