Don't make the same mistake I did..

by Lost the Love of my life

I have been in a relationship for 10 years. several years ago my husband decided to become a driver. I thought I knew what was needed to support him while he was over the road, but little did I know I was not giving him the support from home he was craving.

We have 3 kids together and I work a full time job. the issue was by the time my day was over I was so tired that I would get off the phone with him and fall asleep.

I also didn't know how to handle my loneliness. We are splitting up now due to him not feeling the love and support from home.

Ladies, your man is out there struggling to stay awake, away from his kids, family, friends. Making the biggest sacrifice to put their lives in danger on that road to make the country run.

Give him the attention he needs while he is gone. Tell him how much you love him, and miss him. Keep an open line of communication. Hold home down as well.

when he gets home, make sure everything is straight. He will need SEX, give it to him. He will want to kick his feet up for a while, let him. take HIM out. Make HIM FEEL appreciated. remember they are doing it for you!!!!

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May 29, 2013
Dont take the blame for it all NEW
by: Anonymous

you worked a full time job? you worked 2 full time jobs!!!! working at home and at a job and raising 3 children on your own! You both are splitting up because you didn't fulfill his every need?? Where do you come into this picture......marriage is 50/50 and it sounds like it was 20/80 in favor of you! Now you have one less job...good for you now you can have peace of mind, he didn't deserve you!!! so good he is on his merry way and don't feel an ounce of guilt for his insecurities.....

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