Don't see no light at the end of the tunnel for me

by Doors are closing hard
(Brunswick ga)

Hello I am a recent grad from Coastal

Pines Technical College Truck driving school in Brunswick Georgia 10/26/2015 since than I have been applying to companies but they keep shutting the doors in my face because of my drug felonies.

I have been felony free for 5 years clean MVR with no points and I relocated from my home town just to get another chance I've been fighting to obtain my cdls for two years and I finally gets them and I feel like it was a waste someone told me to go to Carolina cargos because they give people like me a second chance but then they say they be taking advantage of you and treat you with no respect first off at the end of the day I am a man secondly I deserve respect and get treated equally like anyone else so with that being said I will give my cdls up before I let anyone take advantage of me I know we all gotta start from somewhere but I can't start somewhere where I won't be appreciated at I am a loyal person if your loyal to me I'll be loyal to u respect me and I will respect u my point is as of now I do not see any light at the end of my tunnel and if anyone can help or give me advice I will surely appreciate it

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Nov 19, 2015
There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel!
by: Anonymous

Don't Quit! Give us a call at the National Minority Trucking Association 404-334-3267. We will work to help you find a company to drive for.

Always know and believe that their is NO OBSTACLE, NO MOUNTAIN to high to overcome! If Carolina Freight will hire you, go for it! You will be treated with RESPECT as long as you treat others with RESPECT!

If you are committed to being a professional truck driver, you will find opportunities that will come to you!

Visit us at

Nov 15, 2015
by: mike owens

everyone makes mistakes its a fact of life. however you cant live your life on he said she said ideas. just because someone else had a bad experience doesn't mean you will have the same. you've work hard to get back in the game don't stop now. you're not a quitter. if you was you wouldn't have got this far...

a closed mouth don't get fed. a door does not open unless knocked upon. believe in yourself. he said she said is just that... find out for yourself.

Nov 14, 2015
Give me a call
by: Anonymous

513.200.0413 sunday. 11.15.2015 my name is gerald

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