Don't understand him

by Angel

So its 3:54 am and my husband is drunk. been drinking since early afternoon till now. soon as he came home he asks about the dog walks right by his daughter and gives me a side hug like I'm his friend.

I don't understand. I have given up everything for him my rights as a woman, my freedom of speech, my freedom at all.

we are about to even move in with his parents. it was my idea because if we don't there going to loose their house. I don't understand. I give and give and get nothing in return, no love at all and its like it kills him to be around me.

I know I'm not ugly hell I've had men chase me for God sakes and could find one anywhere but instead I never leave my home. I take care of a baby, a dog and clean house all day and he comes home and makes me feel worthless.

I feel stuck. oh and did I mention the house were living in now would be paid off in 5 years and my parents helped us get it and we just moved in not even two weeks ago so tired of being alone and broken.

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Sep 16, 2014
Maybe... NEW
by: ToniPriceless

Maybe he needs help with his drinking problem. He seems like he's EXTREMELY stressed about something. Usually when a mam goes into shut down mode he has A LOT ON HIS MIND & trying to figure things out. It's important to give him space when he's in shut down mode. Like in all types of relationships. Communication is very important! So whatever he's holding in or not talking about eventually he needs to open up & talk to you about it. You're his wife & he should talk to you. Maybe you should get marriage counseling too. Always remember you can't fight negative with negative. It'll only get worse. I hope everything work out! ~God Bless

Sep 11, 2014
sorry to hear NEW
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear that. Seems like he has 2 different personalities of characters that he puts on and of sounds like he isnt grown up yet for to be settled down and wants to still explore and see what all the fishes in the sea he could of had or been having or its because he still has a thing for his daughters mom or of other women. Its time he man up and take care of homelife, wife and kids than to be drunk and chasing tail.

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