double clutching question for truckers

i'm i truck driving school ( only the 2nd day out on the field ) how do you double clutch(up shift,and down)


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May 13, 2009
Double clutching.
by: Jimmy

You're going to release the clutch starting out in 1st gear, when ready to shift, depress the clutch, shift into neutral, release the clutch, depress the clutch again and complete the shift into 2nd gear. Continue this as you shift through the gears. In other words, instead of depressing the clutch once and shifting 1st to 2nd, you are going to 'double clutch' and go from 1st to neutral to 2nd.

Don't try to 'overthink' it too much. Also, this question is answered in 'Ask a Trucker'. Scroll down to almost the bottom for a slightly different take. Good luck and let us know how you're doing as school progresses. Jimmy

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