driver seeking a team job with an owner operator

by Cynthia Brewer
(Atlanta, GA)

My name is Cynthia Brewer. I am a 46 yr old DWF with no children and I live in the Atlanta, Ga area. I worked as a RN for 14 yrs and decided to get my CDL because I had always wanted to drive a truck.

I attended CDL school and graduated from GA Driving Academy in Conyers on March 13, 2011. I signed on with Swift Transportation and over a period of 8 weeks had still only been on the road for 3 days!!

I have applied to numerous companies but I feel that the best way for me to get the experience I need is to work with an owner operator as a team member. I am dependable, funny, and love to learn new skills.

I have no misdemeanor or felony charges in my past, no accidents, and only one moving violation in the past three years.

If there is an O/O out there who is interested in my request, please feel free to contact me by email( or phone (404-957-9868). Thank you.

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Dec 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

Cynthia, it is typical for a person that has just aquired a CDL to not really do a lot of driving in the first couple months, my first driving job was 6 months after school any event if you are with swift stick it out you will get your experience there the truth is even a o/o will not want to hire you because of lack of experience Trust me, Once you get out OTR you will understand. It is a whole differnt ball game OTR by your self.
It has taken me almost 3 Years just to get hired and get almost 1 year driving experience.
Stay with Swift it is your best option right now
Anybody can get a CDL But not everybody can drive a truck with experience and Safty.
My third day out OTR i was in St louis ,MO and i had a incident and i'm lucky that is all that happend that day but it could have been worse Because of lack of experience , Learn with these guys (swift) once everybody is comfortable in your driving you will be driving all over the place GOOD LUCK you'll get there.

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