driver seeking job after being out of the truck for 10 years

by Robert W Eyler
(Quincy Illinois USA)

single man 66 years old drove for over 15 years but haven't driven for the last 10 years want to get back into it have had no accidents or tickets pulled vans, tankers, and doubles prefer van driving

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Jul 05, 2016
look for something part time..
by: Anonymous

remember: it's not the trucking company that is going to make the decision, it will be their insurance company.

The insurance company dictates everything. When you give them a copy of your license and MVR, it goes straight to their insurance carrier.

They will be the ones to decide your fate.

Also, there is a HUGE debate going on right now as to whether or not they should set a "Mandatory Retirement" date for drivers.

I would think you could get on real quick as a seasonal driver somewhere. As far as OTR or regional, they want to see three years of prior experience.. that is three years, starting three years ago.

ANything prior to that, they don't care about.

You should be O.K, but I will tell you this, things have changed out here on the big road. More traffic, less truck parking, more crime....etc, etc.

I'm sure you can handle it, I'm just making sure you are prepped for everything that may come at you, including.."sorry... why dont you just retire?"

I totally understand wanting to supplement a crappy retirement and I also understand not being able to sit at home doing nothing.

Good luck.

Some companies will overlook the mandates, etc.. but they will also try to take advantage.

As of right now, they want to sideline drivers at 70. Problem is, us older dudes are only 15% chance of having an accident while a 28 year old is 266% chance of having an accident.

We have the experience, but companies are starting to believe the hype that we have delayed reaction time, sleep issues, depression issues...aging issues I suppose... but we are still better drivers because weve pretty much seen it all and made it this far.

It helps if you are not overweight, no sleep apnea, no meds, no alcohol.. dont smoke....all that stuff

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