Driving from Western Oregon to Reno

by Mark
(Clackamas, Oregon)

My wife and I are driving from Clackamas, Or to Reno this month and I wanted to know if there is a route to take that avoids going through California. We both have our Oregon and Utah concealed permits but California does not recognize them. So this is the reason I would like to avoid going through California.

Thanks for any help

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Aug 03, 2016
Seriously? NEW
by: Anonymous

Get out your map.

Go through Bend (not NORTH Bend)on 20, cut off at the 78 South to the 95 through McDermot and take the 80 West to Reno...

It's kind of a no-brainer

Here's what you will find: Jump Scales and DOT looking for you to get around going through Cali

The three major scales in Oregon: Ashland, Rice Hill and Woodburn are no joke.

You will have scales out there in the middle of nowhere

Also, Oregon has spent THOUSANDS of dollars on real-time road cams

If you have a pre-pass or any identifying info like that in your rig... get rid of it

If you get stopped.... well... there are some things you can do PRIOR to taking that chance, but i'm not gonna get into it here

Yes, you most certainly can get from Clackamas to Reno without Cali

Good luck... watch for deer, horses, cows and all the other critters that stand in the middle of those little mountain roads at night

Try to make the trip from Bend into Reno during the daylight hours... or keep your brights on and your eyes peeled

It "free-grazing" country out there in la la land

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