Driving Jobs

by IndianG
(Southern California)

Hello to all the Truckers out there....

I enrolled in a truck driving school a few weeks ago and the trainer suggested i take the written tests at the DMV before i start training.
I studied the CDL handbook and went to DMV and Passed the test and recieved my driving permit along with Hazmmat & Tanker and air brake endorsements now i'm ready to drive the truck and do all the things i need to do.....
Heres my Question.....I'm reading a lot of stuff on the internet about Trucking Jobs and the economy and things are slow and its hard to get a job driving a Truck across country or local and its a bit scary and i'm about ready to hand over money to learn to drive and i'm wondering if theres any jobs out there.
Should i go for it? or am i gonna take a loss all for nothing?

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Nov 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

the problem is there are absolutely NO trucking companies out there that play by the rules, except maybe a few with electronic logs. My boyfriend starts with a company, enjoys it, they treat him well and after about a month they start expecting him to drive past his hrs allowed, drive 14 hrs and sleep 3, ah, you'll be fine, he just left a company today K & B out of Nebraska, he refused and they fired him. so you have to weigh out your choices, get fired, or risk getting pulled over by the DOT and losing your CDL, they say they will not give him his final weeks pay, but he brought the truck home, so not sure how they are going to get that, Luckily he got all of his belongings out, as I've heard alot of stories about them stealing a persons, laptops, GPS, TV. there is no regulations for this industry, they do what they want, the way they treat, they are no better than scum sitting in prison for robbing people at gunpoint, NO BETTER, I'm so surprised we dont hear stories every day of men, ex-employees going postal at trucking companies.

Nov 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

the problem is there are absolutely NO trucking companies out there that play by the rules, except maybe a few with electronic logs. My boyfriend starts with a company, enjoys it, they treat him well and after about a month they start expecting him to drive past his hrs allowed, drive 14 hrs and sleep 3, ah, you'll be fine, he just left a company today K & B out of Nebraska, he refused and they fired him. so you have to weigh out your choices, get fired, or risk getting pulled over by the DOT and losing your CDL, they say they will not give him his final weeks pay, but he brought the truck home, so not sure how they are going to get that, Luckily he got all of his belongings out, as I've heard alot of stories about them stealing a persons, laptops, GPS, TV. there is no regulations for this industry, they do what they want, the way they treat, they are no better than scum sitting in prison for robbing people at gunpoint, NO BETTER, I'm so surprised we dont hear stories every day of men, ex-employees going postal at trucking companies.

Jul 07, 2009
After I pay, can I get a truckingdriving job
by: Jimmy

It's a tough economy out there, but you may or may not get a trucking job. I looked in my crystal ball and it was real cloudy. I personally would hold off till 2010. I spend a lot of time on trucking websites and all I see is not so good news for trucking. Jimmy

Jul 07, 2009
18 Wheels No Roses. Becareful of the Trucking Company you work for
by: Anonymous

Good question G, I guess you have as good a chance as anyone. I have been looking for a year now and I'm not alone. The $4.50 + per gallon diesel fuel last year crippled the trucking business and it has yet to recover.

There are trucking jobs out there, not much in my area though, and some of these companies that are advertising for drivers just don't interest me due to there business practices.

I am really particular who I work for now after having experienced the real world and the way some employers try to own and rule your life just because you are trying to make a living and and they think your employment with them is like "you are nothing without them".

This kind of backward thinking is prevalent, but I still hope to be appreciated for the job I do and not treated like someones property. The word of an honest man is hard to find now. Good luck G.

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