driving under influence convictions

by jon culpepper
(fort bragg. ca, usa)

I had three DUIs lifetime. The last one was 15 years ago. For insurance purpose will they prevent me from being hired as a truck driver.

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Apr 02, 2014
it's not impossible
by: Anonymous

If your dui's were all in Calif., they may not show up any more. Go to the DMV and get a 10 yr. printout. If the last one was 15 years back as you say, you should be good to go, as long as they weren't felonies.

Even so, it seems that time is on your side. Just be prepared to answer truthfully if they are found during the background check. Most companies only go back 10 years, or so they say ?? When you fill out the app., be truthful. If the question states have you been convicted of a dui with in the last 5-7-10 years, then the answer is no. If they ask "ever", then the answer is yes. You don't want to falsify the app. get the job, then they find out you lied, then you are fired !

Congrats on your sobriety and keep it that way.

Apr 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

is the limit dude no one will hire you. I think it is even federally mandated.

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