driving while on suboxone

I just interviewed for a truck driving position and did my road test and scheduled to do a drug test, although i am on suboxone for a mistake i made.

Will this prevent me from driving? I am really trying to get myself together its been over 3months.

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Oct 11, 2015
hh NEW
by: Anonymous

Subs don't show up on dot five panel drug screen you getting it prescribe anyway you should have no problem however be aware that sub's cause drowsiness and could affect your driving I would just take a fraction of it just to mild down withdrawals symptoms...I'm guessing that's why you taking in it and try to take it on your 10 hr break.Part of your confidentiality between your doctor and you about your treatment you don't need to disclosed with no one if you chose not to however be responsible with this type of medication remember you don't want to get caught up in a wreck that's cause some ones life because of it talk to your Doctor and find out what will be the best dose to take on those breaks with out affecting your performance

Jun 06, 2015
Some meds automatically disqualify and others depend on Dr and you
by: Hervy

from FMCSA website.....

A driver cannot take a controlled substance or prescription medication without a prescription from a licensed practitioner.

If a driver uses a drug identified in 21 CFR 1308.11 (391.42(b)(12)) or any other substance such as amphetamine, a narcotic, or any other habit forming drug, The driver is medically unqualified.

There is an exception: the prescribing doctor can write that the driver is safe to be a commercial driver while taking the medication. In this case, the Medical Examiner may, but does not have to certify the driver.

Any anti-seizure medication used for the prevention of seizures is disqualifying.
Methadone use is disqualifying.

The Medical Examiner has 2 ways to determine if any medication a driver uses will adversely affect safe operation of a CMV:

1. Review each medication - prescription, non-prescription and supplement

2. Request a letter from the prescribing doctor

Last Updated : April 1, 2014


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