
by Jeffrey
(So. Calif.)

I got a D.U.I. in 2006 while driving a big truck. Are there any companies out there that will work with me and let me drive a truck again. Before the d.u.i. I was a good driver. I've run 48 states in all types of weather. I spent the last year that I drove as a driver trainer, getting student drivers ready to run thier own truck. All I want is to get back behind the wheel and to be the kind of driver that my family and the industry would be proud to have on the road with them.

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May 01, 2009
DUI Response
by: Nick V

I personally just finished driving school and they made me wait 5 years from the actual year to turn to take me into driving school. I didnt have to much of a problem finding a job but I definitely couldn't fill out as many apps as my other classmates.

One thing I did hear from a couple of trainers there was rock hauling. Said rock haulers will hire you at the prison gates if you can drive and have recorded miles under your belt,it doesn't matter if you just got off a damn murder charge. Just what I heard, may want to check it out. Good luck man, hope the best for you

Apr 21, 2009
DUI and Trucking Driving Jobs
by: SteveO

After a lot of RESEARCH...
Many companies look back 5 - 7 years on a DUI.
Some companies only allow 1 - DUI per life time.
Find the companies that interest you...get phone numbers and names, if you can, and call them about there current DUI policy.
Good Luck!

Apr 21, 2009
Jeffrey messed up. DUI is not a good start for getting into trucking.
by: Jimmy

Dude, a DUI is bad enough in a 4 wheeler, but in a big rig? You can call around, but I don't know of anyone who will hire you. It's bad enough when a sober CDL driver hits a 4 wheeler and the company's insurance carrier has to pay, but just imagine an intoxicated CDL driver doing the same thing. The injured will own the trucking company. Jimmy

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