Eating In Truck Stops Almost Ruined My Life
by Rainey
(Witch Well, AZ)
I'll keep this short and sweet. If you want to be healthy, you need to eat raw, and primal. The Primal diet contains raw meats, raw diary, raw fruits, and veggies, raw honey, raw eggs, raw nuts and seeds -- every food on the planet you can eat raw.
All the most recent info on diet says that grains are not meant for human consumption, and whole grain goodness is for the birds. Grain makes you fat and sick.
The only reason people need lots of fiber is to scrape out all the putrid sludge created in their guts from eating cooked and processed food.
Processed food is pure poison pure and simple. Don't go there.
Get a refrigerator, a juicer, and a blender for your truck, and make raw veggie juices, smoothies, raw nut butters, and shop for organic food wherever you can.
In spite of all the fear mongering around eating raw animal products, it's the healthiest food you can eat. I've been eating raw meats for 4 years, and zero processed or cooked foods, and I can tell you I am fit, slim, and have more energy than I did at 18.
I drove long haul from 1988 until 2001 when I became so sick from eating the SAD truckstop diet I nearly died. That is no exaggeration. I had heart palpitations, migraines, mental illness, and stress so severe I became disabled. Ever since then I have studied nutrition, and tried a gazillion diets. NONE of them worked. NONE. Even the raw vegan diet almost killed me, and so did the macrobiotic diet.
I eventually discovered the raw Primal diet on my deathbed, and recovery has been rapid and sure all the way.
If you're interested in learning more there's a great book you can order from Amazon called, "We Want To Live". If you're tired of being tired, sick and fat, try it out. You'll never have to worry about counting calories, or going hungry to stay thin ever again.
I know you all probably are thinking that eating raw meat is nuts, but please consider that humans are the only creatures on the planet who cook and process their foods. And forget all that nonsense about cooking advancing our species. That's all based on corporate funded propaganda and junk science -- and so is 90% of the stuff you hear about food poisoning. Read this
Best wishes to you all!