
by Lauren
(Norwich, ny)

My fiancè just started working as a trucker. He was over the road before we got together. He took a few years off, we met, he just started working for Western Express, the rest is history :).

I am 25, have one son and work full time. Just here to find other like minded woman in a similar situation as I am in.

Love my trucker and support him fully. The world wouldn't go round with out our men ( or women )!!!

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Oct 07, 2011
how to prepare for life as a truckers wife
by: hervy

Welcome to the life of a truckers wife Elle.

You are preparing for this change in the right way.

Getting involved with others in similar situation.
You will be just fine. Getting tips and advice from these smart, resourceful ladies and if you need tips and insight from the mens point of view we will give that too.

It is a tough journey to travel for you and both us truckers and of course the wives know that and want to do what we can to make it as painless as possible. Of course we all know that it can't completely be erased but it can be managed until it's just a discomfort.

Make yourself at home and check out the truckers wives page. Be sure to browse around on other pages to as it will give you some insight about what truckers can expect.

If you get the chance ride with your hubby too.

truckers wives forums and advice

Oct 02, 2011
Loving a trucker

Love,support and cell phones!!! What would we we without them or our truckers?!

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