Employment Verification:

So if you apply for a new job and one of the companies you worked for either:

a) no longer exists


b) was bought out by another company


c) merged with another company

Then how does it work as far as employment verification?

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Jan 06, 2017
Prove employment.
by: Anonymous

If the company is no longer in business, then show your tax returns and pay stubs.

Dec 11, 2016
Verification means a few things
by: Drifter

It's been my experience that job verification means several things to a potential employer.

#1,verifying your job history and experience.
#2,make sure info on past drug testing is accurate and you're eligible for hire legally.
#3,to find out what kind of employee you were
#4, to vet you as thoroughly as possible before they spend the time,resources and money(training costs,orientation,etc)on the hiring process.

You can't help it if a past employer is no longer available to provide all that.You can only provide proof that you worked for them.I have hired on with a couple oufits that weren't able to reach a couple past employers,but were able to contact some.

You can only do so much,and hope the new company can work with it.

Oct 12, 2016
Proving past employment to future employment
by: Hervy

That depends on the company. You can prove that by getting a printout from employment security commission. Also you can use your w-4 which proves you were employed by the company.

However, the new company that you are trying to prove it to may not approve of those.

It depends on their policy and probably more important, the person who you are dealing with at the company. In other words you can clearly prove it and they can pretend that it doesn't prove anything if they don't want to pay you for the experience or they don't want to hire you.

I experienced this first hand with a local company. The easiest thing is to show them your w-4.

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