End of the day on a long haul . . . . .

by Chuck Rogers
(Santa Ana , Ca)

Is there any kind of soap or skin ointment or vitamin you use or wish existed to deal with the riggers of driving, what would it be?

I work for a co. that makes vitamins and soap. I drove a little in the ARMY (80's) and suggested to my boss we might want to go in to the trucking market. So he want's to hear what a real trucker would say.

Please respond to chuck@zoomsong.com

Chuck Rogers
Beauty & Health Int.

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Sep 03, 2009
Trucking Life and skin care
by: Hervy

Well chuck,
I use vitamin E oils for skin. I don't buy them from the truck stop though. I would say the trucking market is pretty well saturated with skin stuff unless your going to spend heavily on marketing.

You know anything can be sold with enough money and creativity in marketing.

If that's the case just go for vitamin E or Shay Butter based skin products and blast the natural benefits.

Just please don't make crap and sell it.

Let me know when you get it out.

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