engaged to a trucker that I love worried he is falling out of love with me

I have been with a otr truck driver for 2 years and we are engaged. We have been having some arguments lately because I miss him so bad when he is gone.

I only get to see him maybe 8 days a month! During the week we was great texting and calling constantly then he came in Thurs. said he may have to leave back out the next day. So I got a little upset and it turned into a awful argument....

Now he is gone back out and says he needs space. He says he loves me he just needs to cool off and get his head straight. Hasn't text or called me all day and won't answer mine. I'm afraid he may be rethinking our relationship.

I love him dearly and he is the love of my life! We had talked about me getting my CDL's and teaming with him, which I would try if he will give me a chance!

I text him that but of course no response... Any ideas on this? I know he gets stressed out, I just don't know what to do.

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Nov 02, 2014
Really?!?!?! NEW
by: Anonymous

Ok seriously?!?!?!? 8 days a month????

I'm lucky to see mine 8 days A YEAR!

The man is NOT falling out of love with you. His job is an insane lifestyle! I grew up around this industry... I married a man who became a REAL over the road driver... meaning he DOES NOT COME HOME for weekends Hell I'm luck to see him one day a month! And I drove truck myself.

If they aren't driving down the road, they are SO exhausted that they are sleeping! He has a lot of pressure... ESPECIALLY if you are questioning his love and loyalty! If they could spend every minute of the day showering you with love they would.. but that just isn't possible.

He is sacrificing his time away from you, his LIFE, to give you a good life. (Yes ladies, they would MUCH rather be home with you than on the road!)...He asked you to marry him!!!


I think you all need to wake up.

Oct 13, 2014
Keep your chin up NEW
by: Anonymous

My bf is an otr trucker. Honestly trucking is kind of the job for a man with a loner type personality. When they say that they need space, just back off and let them cool down. I see my man two days a month, once we went two weeks without talking. I was losing my mind but when he came home we talked everything out and made up and he kissed me with more passion than ever before. If your relationship is strong and he loves you, he will come back and just be happy to be with you. It's hard, very hard. But it's worth having the man you love by your side

Sep 27, 2014
Give him the space NEW
by: AvocaLynn

I know it's hard to do but the best advice I was given when my hubby has said this too me is back off and let him have his space. It's hard to do, I know it was for me but my hubby came running back saying he missed me and can't live without me. Keep ur head up!

Sep 14, 2014
by: Anonymous

try waiting it out. and if that doesnt work well at least you havent married him yet...

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