Eric's Wife

by Kathy
(Arlington, TX, USA)

My husband is a company driver and is gone anywhere from 2-9 weeks at a time. I work full time and take care of the kids. I want to chat with other trucker's wives. It is nice to talk to someone who understands. Also, I want to offer encouragement to those who are having a hard time accepting this life. I love my husband and his job. Driving makes him happy, so it makes me happy. Wives HAVE to adopt this attitude or they are in for a long and upsetting life that, odds are, will end in divorce. Focus on the positive, do for yourself. I was reading the section of this website that talks to the drivers about the type of woman they need to have at home in order for the marriage to be successful. They are 100% right. The women who are happy about this life are those who are confident, self starters who depend upon no one but themselves. I love this life. I see my husband once every few weeks. We are thrilled to see each other EVERY time. When he is home, it is a honeymoon at home every time. When he is gone, I get the luxury of maintaining my own routine with the kids, I get the bed to myself, I get to drive the remote, and I have a clean bathroom. I go out for a girls night out with friends every week. I have the luxury of a nice balance between work, family, husband, and friends. This life is ideal for women like me who are very independent and do not like it when their partner is under foot all the time. This life allows me to continue to develop my own personality and be my own person.

I am sure that it is all in how one looks at it. Focus on the good, Ladies. There is a LOT of good about this situation.

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Sep 28, 2011
New lifestyle
by: Denise

I grew up in a trucking family & now I am married to an over the road driver. My husband is gone 2 wks at a time. My husband moved me away from my family & friends in Indiana to Tennessee. It was okay at first but then he took this new job & is gone for 2 wks at a time. His family is around but it's not the same. It's just me & the kids. I want to learn how to make this work & need some guidance & advice. I want to be able to support my husband & be the strong partner he fell in love with but right now I am struggling with loneliness. Any advice on how to overcome this & how to get used to your husband coming & going.

Jan 01, 2011
Looking to talk
by: Anonymous

I am not a trucker wife but I am a trucker girlfriend and I would love to have people to talk to. I have 4 kids at home and I havent seen my boyfriend since before Thanksgiving. Give me a shout out

Jan 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the invite. I'll try to get dinner done a little early so that I can join in. Even if I don't get done at 6, I'll still check in to see if y'all are still visiting.

Jan 19, 2010
Hello Eric's wife,
by: Anonymous

hello Eric's wife, there is a chat in the evenings, many would benenfit from your experience,. I myself have been a ddrivr's wife over twenty years, I can relate to much of what you shared. come be a part of a group of gals that like to have fun.

Chat starts around 6 Central time.

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