Excellent trucking site.

by Allen E. Simpson
(LA, CA)

I was just randomly searching the internet for information on becoming a truck driver out of curiosity and stumbled across your site.

I wasn't expecting to find such a candid analysis of the truck driving profession, but was pleasantly surprised and impressed with what you've created here.

You kind of remind me of a non-gangstafied 50 cent that's preaching blue collar common sense instead of glorified nonsense.

Very cool.

Keep on trucking,


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Nov 17, 2011
where you at Allen NEW
by: Hervy

How is it going Allen,

You on the road or decide not to do it?


Sep 28, 2011
we try
by: Hervy

Thanks Allen, we all give it a go from our perspective on issues hoping it all comes to together in the end. Your feedback definitely helps and is appreciated.

So, what did you decide.....or have you?

Will you be joining the posse on the road or just cheering us on?

Decisions, decisions


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