Exercise for truckers

Just remember...if you don't use it, you'll loose it. Stop the truck at least every hour. Walk or jog around your truck 4 or 5 times with a few push ups.

Take a quick peak at the truck for inspection reasons, then hop back in the cab and go. You will be more alert driving and feel better.

always flex all muscle groups while driving.

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Dec 19, 2019
Great suggestion NEW
by: FWynn

Thanks for this friendly reminder! It's super helpful!

Oct 20, 2011
places to work out
by: Mommyof2

Very good points, and another one to point out is that many truck stops are now putting in gyms for drivers. So when your down for that 10hr break, and you get a chance to get a 30 minute work out. Go for it.

I know some TA's already have some small gyms inside (not much, but something is better than nothing) for those that have the "UltraOne" card. http://www.petrotruckstops.com/stayfit.sstg This will give you a list of locations that are already available and that.

Also, Pilot/Flying J's will also be offering gym memberships and are in the process of getting everything set up, but should be opening soon in some locations. http://www.snapfitness.com/corporate/press-releases/article/4662

While I know most drivers wont always get the option to shut down, but a great option to use when you can.

Have a safe trip!!!!

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