Expecting Our First And He's On The Road

by Kristen
(Vero Beach, FL)

Now, I understand that this is for truck driver's wives, but I am a truck driver's fiance. We are definitely getting married, and I am absolutely understanding with my fiance's recent career change.

We discussed it at length before he went to get his CDL and decided that him becoming a truck driver wasn't so we could have time apart, but so he could provide for our newly growing family.

Also, he and I both feel comfortable enough in our relationship for him to be gone for long periods of time and I can be home with our animals and soon our son.

We have a very close relationship and we are best friends! We are expecting our first child and I am probably going to deliver while he is on the road. I am very sad that my fiance probably won't be here for our son's birth because if there is anyone else who I would want by my side while delivering, it is definitely him.

I am sure that many of you can understand how emotional you are when you are pregnant and it is very tough right now with him being gone and I am 8 months pregnant. My mother just had major surgery done because of a procedure that went wrong and it is even difficult for me to help her considering I am supposed to be on bed rest.

My parents are an hour away and my mother is not capable of driving up here nor is my father capable of leaving her. My fiance's mother has been wonderful to me, but she is still an hour and a half away and the people I used to be friends with are still into going out to bars is the only way to have fun life style. I am writing in hopes that I will be able to reach out to some of you women out there and I will be able to have others to talk to and you will be able to coach me through this difficult time for me.

Again, I am not yet a wife of a truck driver, but a soon to be wife, so I understand if I am not excepted yet. Thank you very much for your time.

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Sep 30, 2010
im here
by: chanda

hi im here as a friend if you need anything. my hubby is a truck driver. good luck with the birth of your baby hope all goes well. i know its hard i have a 7 year old who misses her dad greatly. take care of yourself.

Sep 26, 2010
Challenging Times
by: Hervy

Hi Kristen,

Welcome to the site and the trucking lifestyle.

I can imagine it being an added challenge jumping in while expecting a child but it seems your relationship is a good solid one and that is a huge plus.

Just don't forget that after the baby comes you both will have to intentionally remain attentive to each others emotional needs otherwise the little newcomer could easily steal too much of the limelight.

Seems that your will be an example for other trucking couples to come. There are a great group of ladies here to help you stay strong a positive and share ideas to help keep the relationship smoking.

Best wishes

Sep 26, 2010
you are welcome here
by: Anonymous

no matter whether you are a wife or a to be wife it is ok with me. it is hard being the mate of a truck driver . and being pregnant makes it all the more harder . hormones are just all over the place. it is hard being alone . and when you have your child it is all the more harder realizing that your mate is missing all the mile stones in your little boys life.my husband has been driving for 19 yrs and we have three daughters . we have weathered many years of truck driving situations i hope your mate either gets on with a place that is horrible and he just decides he would rather be a regular worker and be home with his family , or that he gets on with a place that he can be home everyday . i know you may be thinking i am bad for saying this but afer many years of trucking it is very difficult on families. you have to have the mind set that it is hard and there is alot of sacrifice in this profession both by the trucker and for the families themselves .i have learned to be depend upon myself for alot whether it be fix somthing or just to go and take the family somewhere . i miss my husband so badly when we are out at family get togethers and he is not there with us . he has missed the births of our grandkids countless other things.i know truckers make a decent living but the sacrifice they make to be able to be a trucker should not be put upon them or their families. everyone is entitled to family time to bond with their kids and wives . alot if put on the truckers they are the heart beat of America. if you ever need to talk my email is moosewheels55@yahoo.com my name is laurie . i dont mean to be a downer i am just very realistic this is something you will find out being a truck drivers wife. all the best to you . God bless

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