experienced driver (not recent) looking for trucking job

i cant get hired without paying for a school again. i went to national training in 1983, then drone tractor trailers till 1999. then dump trucks till 2005. now its 7 years later with a clean drivers license & record, no one wants to give me a leg in the door. can u help me ?

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Apr 15, 2013
trucker shortage NEW
by: Anonymous

I was a lease operator for prime left there to buy my own truck until high fuel costs and overhead put me out delivered thousand of loads well over a million miles no accidents no speeding tickets no bad DOT checks I am off the road for 3 years I can get right behind the wheel like riding a bike and I can't get hired either go back to school yea ok for something else the trucking industry has a lot more to learn and my guess is it will be the hard way when they change the logging rules and it causes a shortage bigger than they have now and find out the younger generation is not interested in being gone from home for great lengths of time or even driving a truck at all unless its on x box I think the industry will be there own demise

Oct 21, 2012
New Rules for Experiance Drivers NEW
by: David M. Engler

Hi !

You probly did not heard the latest "New Rule"
for truck drivers!

Its called "Refresher Course" for drivers who
been out of trucking for a while! So contact
your local trucking school for fees & what courses you my have to take BEFORE going back
into driving for a company!

Good luck & stay clean ! David M. Engler

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