Experienced Knoxville driver need trucking opportunity

by Stephen Davis
(Knoxville, TN)

I left Werner in February 2017 because of a dispute over an alleged accident that occurred in New York in January of 2017. When I had the confrontation with my Dispatcher he stated that I would be placed on the NO Re-Hire List.

I said fine turned in a clean truck and rented a car and went home. I offered to take a polygraph test that is how sure I was that an accident did not happen, but safety thinks all drivers lie.

Unfortunately over my time with Werner I have a incident where I backed into a trailer parked at a dock, because it was at 0430 on a horribly rain drenched night. It was bad judgement on my part.

No damage resulted from the accident. There are a couple other incidents that did not result in any damage.

I have no points on my CSA score and have never been cited by any Law Enforcement Officer. So my question is are there any Companies that you know of that are willing to give a very experienced driver a second chance and hire him.

If not I will live with the situation as I have never been happier sleeping in my own bed since February. I work because I love to drive and I mean drive.

If you know of anyone that would do this without cutting my pay let me know. Love to drive but will not work for free.

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May 16, 2017
USA and T/A gives 2nd chance
by: Anonymous

USA Truck and TransAm give drivers a second chance.

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