Have 8 years experience on and off road. No experience in the last 6 months but would love to get back over the road. Willing to drive with a trainer just not for a month or a refresher course.
I taught for 2 year's at international truck driving school in Lubbock TX. I drove for Doyle Russell trucking for 6 years and he is now outta business that's why we taught people to drive!
I have hazmat and tankers i can get doubles and triples just prefer not to drive em if they are full size ill learn to drive anything if its not old junk and it sleeps well.
I need to be able to bring my dog along and at times my wife. Prefer not cross country but i will why not ill do.what it takes!!! Also i have a travel trailer so i can relocate at drop of a hat. Prefer Colorado or Washington if thats the case!!!