Experienced & working driver looking for better job

Been driving since 92' took about 5yrs off to take care of my parents. I'm with swift using them to log 200 hours behind the wheel. it's like riding a bike for me. trainer bored cause I'm experience and no how to do every thing but swift freight is to slow rote now I don't have time for this.

If u got a good company or a owner operator looking for a good driver please contact me ima log 150more hours and I'm done. Never had no accident got one moving violation in a personal vehicle 70 in a 55 never in a commercial vehicles..

my email is fburns555@gmai.com

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Apr 04, 2016
Its all about their insurance companies NEW
by: Anonymous

any company can tell how much experience you have during a drive test and by your MVR. The problem is always with the insurance companies these days.

A lot of companies would love to hire you just because they need a warm body and a steering wheel holder, but they cant insure you without those hours you are logging.

You could have been driving for 35 years, but if you took a break for 3 years and let your CDL go, a trucking company only looks at the time you were NOT driving, not the 35 years of experience you have, even if all your experience was accident free, drug free, etc, etc.

It sucks. I know.

Apr 04, 2016
There's alot of jobs if you research NEW
by: I'm not Jim palmer

I've been doing alot of research and Jim Palmer accepts new graduates and is actually paying very well , there's also job sites to apply for multiple carriers truck companies all at once, you shouldn't have any problems in my honest opinion , good luck

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