False Positive Drug Screen

My fiance and I both took 2 pre-employment drug screens for two major trucking companies within the past 3 weeks, we both passed.

Recently, we took another drug screen for another major trucking company, my fiance passed, but they told me they found drugs in my system.

I then went to Wal-Mart and purchased a home testing kit, the result was negative for everything.

What must I do, I am confused. Where do I go from here? Will a company re-test me and hire my fiance and I? What will happen to my CDL?

I do not do drugs, and I believe the results were incorrect. Someone, please Help!

This is my livelihood on the line and I cannot loose it over this!


CDL needs help

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Sep 15, 2013
hard to prove NEW
by: Anonymous

You went to take drug test, how many days was it before you found out the results?

According to the test, what drug was supposedly found in your system?

I ask because some over the counter drugs screw these tests up....

When did you buy the kit to test yourself?

Was it immediately after you took your drug test at the clinic?

I can only assume you found out that you failed the drug test more than several days later and after taking it and, that when you found out you decided to take your own test. At that point it would be to hard for anyone to determine if you were clean or not on the day of the test because you didn't self test immediately after your drug test at the clinic to disprove the original drug test. In other words you are screwed. It is very hard to disprove these test unless you can prove there was a mix up in the lab.

Believe me this can happen but how does one go about it? It's hard! You need to hire an attorney to investigate this, and if you want to save your CDL.

Of course not! Your failed test has nothing to do with your husbands clean test! It would and could not affect your husbands CDL you are two separate people, they cant take a license from someone as a result of the other persons failed test results??? That's silly!! Here is a website to help you understand the system. I hope it helps. Good luck.


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