fat guy getting trucking job

by dee
(mt. vernon illinois)

me and my friend are planning to go otr together but im concerned about waiting for him if he cant get on. Hes 5'7 and weighs around 300 lbs.

Will it be possible for him to get on as a truck driver and what should he expect

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Mar 11, 2017
Lose weight and go trucking
by: Hervy

Healthy Trucking Tips

You may be able to get a trucking job, it depends on what size you are and how it is affecting your mobility and health currently.

At the page you will find the easiest way to lose weight and staying healthy as a trucker.

Meanwhile, watch this video I made to help you get in the right frame of mind.

Healthy Trucker

You can do it man. You can lose that weight and get on the road!

May 30, 2012
Dont wait
by: NickV

Dont wait for anyone. If your going to do the time and energy then just go. Honestly with trucking companies getting more and more strict on how they conduct their orientations I hate to say but it doesnt sound good for your buddy.

Some companies are alot more strict than others but no matter what every company will require a medical card and those can be hard to get now days. On top of that some companies are doing ergonomic tests which is a barrage of excercises while they monitor your heart rate.

Then again I have seen some pretty big men pass and some smaller guys fail so its weird. But dont wait for anyone man. Could be waiting on him for a long time and waiting isnt getting you experience and money

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