Father in law trucker teaches cowboy trucker how to drive on ice.

by John A. Livesay Sr.
(Prince George, Va. USA)

My father in law drove a tractor-trailer for 33 years so its safe to say he's driven a few miles and can tell some stories.

One of my favorites was the time he was driving for DuPont ( he drove for Dupont the last seven years he drove) and he was coming off of the high plateau @ the continental divide and it was winter time and had been snowing and the roads were icy.

As he approached the incline he encountered many trucks pulled off on both sides of the road prepared to wait it out until conditions improved.

As he went by and started down the long mountain there came a lone voice over the cb radio that said "Are you crazy Mr. DuPont?" to which he replied. "No just keep it in low gear and stay off the brakes". He told me later "They all fell in behind him and came on down the mountain".

I loved it!

I could listen to him tell stories for hours when he was home; and didn't mind hearing them repeated either!( TV has re-runs so why not good ole trucker stories!) He's gone now but I have only one regret, that I didn't record those ole trucker stories, that I used to love to hear.

He talked about buying his own truck and running produce outta Florida but soon developed heart problems and was forced to give up driving. Having to sit in the house slowly killed him because with his heart problems his doctors wouldn't let him do much and after driving tractor trailer for so many years it had gotten "in his blood" so to speak and that all he ever did except farm when he was younger.

Working his garden kept him occupied during the summer but it was difficult to sit in the house when his heart and soul were in that truck! I finally got my CDL and drove for threeand a half years and came across that continental divide he was spoke of and relived his story as i was driving down that mountain!

He would have been proud. He never lived to see it but he taught me alot about trucking if by no other means than listening and applying his knowledge to my in-experience. I understand the call of the road and how it "gitz in your blood" and I still miss it even tho "I've been there, done that & got the T shirt" and have a few stories of my own! durinf the 3 1/2 years I drove.

The economic downturn dissolved my job back in Sept 08 and had to find something else to do. Maybe some day I'll get back out there cause I love to drive even tho them four-wheelers ain't gotta clue.

I now know why truck drivers sit so high above other traffic; SO YOU CAN LOOK OUT FOR EVERYBOBY ELSE! Catch Ya on the Flip-Flop we gone BYE BYE!

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Old timers r the best! NEW
by: Josh b

I love pulling into a truck stop to eat and listen to the old timers tell their stories! They have all my respect on the road

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