Father second guesses my parenting when he returns from a route.

by April
(North Carolina )

I love my husband, and he is a great father. However, when he comes home he gets mad when I discipline our almost 2 year old son.

It wasn't an issue before he started driving, at least I don't think. But now he second guesses and criticizes everything I do with our son. I am not perfect, but I'm a good mom!

It's hard to deal with it every time. It makes me feel like he hates me, I know it's just because he doesn't get to see him much.

Still, it hurts. How do I cope with this and get him to see its hurtful?

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Jun 17, 2016
Father 2nd guesses NEW
by: Vanessa Mason

Sounds like he too forgets that parents ALWAYS need to show their kids that they need to be a united front when it comes to the kids and discipline. My husband did that to me for a few years until he experienced himself the mouth and actions our daughter was pulling while he was gone, he did a complete turn around on her and she has gotten a lot better for it. When he acts out call the husband EVERY time he's doing it. The husband sounds like mine and needs to experience the actions/out bursts. Also explain to husband that you understand he misses his son, but being divided creates more havoc for/from the boy and eventually the boy WILL turn on him someday for it. And maybe show him this post so he can see that others have had this same issue as well. My husband has been OTR over 10 years, it's VERY hard, but always stand together and always support each other in all respects you can, it makes a better marriage. Good luck.

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