Fed up truckers wife needs advice

by Angel

I am honestly fed up I've tried everything I've tried being nice I've tried not saying anything at all I've tried biting my tongue I've tried talking about our problems. nothing I have tried works. all I get is disrespect and what's bad is we live with his parents and they see the disrespect. I get called names I get put down made fun of laughed at abused long ago mentally and physically I honestly dont know where to go from here.

We have been together 7 years and have a 7 month old daughter I want her to have a daddy but I also don't want her growing up around her father acting like this toward her mother he can blow money on remotes for his PlayStation but I ask for diapers we don't have the money.

he says so I say that's fine I'll use your shirt then he'd go get diapers I honestly can't handle any more and please people don't bring up counseling because he won't pay nor would he go.

if any one had any advice please tell me what to do I talk to God but honestly don't know what he wants me to do either

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Feb 19, 2015
kids first
by: Anonymous

women, women, women. kids first!! bottom line!! you and your feelings are put to the back burner when u choose to have children. people who invest, loose their life savings sometimes, but they manage to pick themselves back up. get the hell away from people who make u ill.

For the sake of your children. believe it or not as small as they are, they can feel a moms stress and hurt!! if you think its okay to put small children through this emotional turmoil, you are just as guilty of emotional abuse as the person that is doing it to you.

So i repeat myself get out of these types of relationships its not about you anymore its about the children!

After u get yourself together things will change and you can be happy once again and your children will be even happier!! good luck to you all and your new future. God Bless.

Feb 19, 2015
Fed up of dealing with his shit anymore.
by: Anonymous

I have being with my partner for over 4 years now. Since we meet, he wasn't doing truck driving, he work for another job and moved in to live with me. Just 2 1/2 years ago he got into truck driving and recently got a really good job driving from state to state. His never home, I only see him 3 to 4 days a month if I'm lucky.

I have to young kids, one is 2 and another 6 months. I have never fell so stressed in my life. I'm not coping with him away, and there's is no one to help me with the kids as well. All my family are overseas, his family lives far away from us as well. He use to tell me so many things and we talked about getting married and other important things, but about 6 months now, his communication is not good and few weeks ago I found numbers of prostitutes in his phone.

That's when I realities that I have gone into this with a no idea of what will bring us. Well, he has changed a lot, his not the same person anymore and he dose not call me or text me, I call him and most of the time, he dose not say anything. His become so rude and have lost his respect for me.

I know what to do but I have invested so much in this relationship and would love to try and make this work but my body can't cope and my mind is so stressed that most night I don't sleep.

I'm scared of being a lot coz I used to be a single mum and so scared of going down that road again but there's a little voice keeps on telling me, you don't have to deal with this, move on n be happy. I need some advice and help on this

Jan 27, 2015
You and baby come first
by: Allana

You and your baby come first. You as mom have to make sure your own as well as baby's well being are being cared for first. Your in laws are grown adults. Yes their situation sucks but they are not your responsibility.

It's hubby paying them right? Then if HE leaves the guilt is on him not you. Don't let him or anyone else guilt you and manipulate you into staying in an abusive relationship!

Also, if CPS catches wind of this, they're not going to give you the benefit of attempting to guilt you into giving your child to them, they will take her! And put her where she won't witness abuse. Just leave.

There are shelters and programs out there for single mothers in your situation. Do what's best for you and baby

Dec 12, 2014
truckers wife
by: Angel

He will buy diapers but there is always a fight and he always says we don't have the money when hed make 1000 dollars a dang week another reason I have not left we are living with his parents.

If we didn't move in they were going to lose their home and he has to pay bills here and if I leave he will leave and they will be homeless also so I feel like I am stuck and I could move in with my parents but they honestly have no room and all my things are in a storage building.

His parents my parents and the house we were in before we moved here and its hard to do anything I have no car no job and I'm scared to ask for help from a church I thank you for your advice I honestly don't have to many people to talk to

Dec 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

well try going to your local church most of them will house a new mother and child and help you get on your feet and then you will have the time to get into court and ask for your child support back pay too. there has got to be some type of outreach you can find online start searching...it may take awhile but in the long run you will be safer and not being bullied by this idiot...red flag what type of man is it that wont buy his baby diapers??!!

he is scum and best if you start realizing it now...he isn't gonna change that's why he wont go to counseling....gl

Dec 11, 2014
truckers wife
by: Angel

He will not go to counseling and honestly I have a place to go but there is no room there for me and the baby

Dec 11, 2014
by: Anonymous

Have you tried leaving? Since you dont want to try anything that is recommended by counseling (which counseling is free with churches and most clergy staff are trained in marriage counseling) or anything else anyone suggests....your only option is to leave.

He will need to pay child support which will be taken right out of his paycheck, so then you have the money to get diapers...js

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