by Jonelle Hill
(Los Angeles)
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 years. Prior to us having 2 children within a span of 10 1/2 months. I was ok with him being away. By ok I mean I could deal with it because I had my own time.
Now we have two children currently both 2 years old but I'm struggling to find comfort and peace while he is gone. I feel as though I'm all by myself.
We first moved to a state where I had no friends nor family which I soon realized was a mistake. So now I'm around family (living with my parents) but I still feel alone. I am grateful to stay with my parents but this causes stressful situations as well (differences in parenting being HUGE).
What are some things I can do to become peaceful and not start arguments due to feeling like EVERYTHING is on my shoulders while trying to balance work, dropping/picking kids off/up at daycare, feeding, bathing, etc?
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