Felony convictions and no experince

by Todd Johnson
(Hickory,North Carolina,USA)

Hello world, let me explain my story in as shortest time as possible.

In 06/2005, I went to CDL school and graduated after graduating found out had a 5 year old warrant.

Now in 09/2008, have been convicted of possession with intent to distribute cocaine and on a lenghty probation.

Now my CDL license is good, but I never got a chance to drive OTR and wonder, if a company or o/o will give me a chance.

I talked to another instructor from the CDL school and he said wait until I get off of probation or longer.

Is that true, can I drive straight truck or dump truck or 18 wheeler? You gave me the company, Carolina Cargo and Midwest Continental but you need experience from their websites, and I don't have any.

Do you know of any other companies or a o/o, who will hire me?

I'm just looking for a chance to prove myself, thank you the support. I need to eat and my family, too.

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Sep 27, 2009
Felony convictions and no experience
by: Hervy

Todd you got to just keep on checking man.

trucking jobs for felons

Sep 12, 2009
Felony Conviction and no work experince included
by: Todd Johnson

Hello,everybody!!!!! That's how I feel about the searching for a trucking company that will hire me.Does anybody out there know of a trucking company in the western part of North Carolina or South Carolina that will hire me with a drug conviction? And is hiring? Or a warehouse job or dockworker or straight truck driver or machine operator, and all with no experience needed?

I really need some employment I've been trying with no success but still trying but its becoming overwhelming but I brush my shoulders off and move on.

Is there anyone out there that can help me? Also I call some company in the Winston Salem area but the drug conviction hurts.

I looking for a chance to prove myself, can someone help me?

Sep 05, 2009
Not looking good for Todd.
by: Jimmy

The intent to distribute charge is a big "no no". You do need someone to give you a chance. I think meeting face to face with any prospective employer is your best chance. You can't do this with big companys 500 miles away.

Try concentrating your search in your local area with any trucking operation. (sand and gravel, logging, 6 wheel delivery van, Pepsi/Coke, food delivery etc) as well as trucking/warehousing operation and moving companies. Doing dock work can get you into the right spot when a driver quits or calls in sick.

Next, talk to truck mechanics in your area for info about local farmers that might need a driver.

You can't sit home, you have to be aggressive in your search. Jimmy

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