Female Driving Loving the Trucking Lifestyle

by Michele
(San Diego, CA, USA)

I have driven commercial vehicles on and off for years, trucks, private coaches, seated coaches.

Currently, I drive a smaller expedited truck with a large, comfortable sleeper. I have always loved to drive so I don't feel like I'm working! I don't even feel like I'm working at the shipper. It's so much fun!!

I keep my truck really clean and my mom helped me decorate it, she calls it my "suite". How cute is that? I love her so much!

I don't feel that I am treated differently. I am treated with respect 99% of the time. The other 1% are compliments so I can't complain, especially since I'm almost 50 years old. I don't turn on the CB radio, so I can't contribute experience in that.

I have never felt threatened at a truck stop or rest area. If there is a man that would try to harm me, there would be twenty that would protect me. There are a lot of good people in trucking.

Because I only go home about once every three months, I don't have any housing expenses. When I return home I stay with a great friend with a big house!

I am able to save so much money so when I do choose to get off the road I will easily be able to re-establish myself.

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May 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

Are you looking for a team driver? Irvine ca area


Feb 26, 2015
Great Post!!
by: Anonymous

Nice Post!! I am happy for you!! :)

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