Female Truck Driver Talks Safety to Change the Negative Image of Truckers

by Maya Sieber
(Chester NY, USA)

Trucker and Model Maya Sieber

Trucker and Model Maya Sieber

Here’s my contribution to changing the trucker’s negative image.

I am a 26 year old female truck driver. Two years ago I made my dream of driving an 18 wheeler a reality. I can remember as early as the age of 5 that one day I will be sitting behind that wheel rolling down the highway.

Any occupation you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve worked as a sales associate in a supermarket, I was a mechanic, car saleswoman, interior decorator, cashier, chef’s assistant, bartender, swimsuit model and receptionist at a law firm.

I stand 5’4” at 110 lbs and every day I face the dangers and challenges out on the road because of non-educated drivers on sharing the road with a tractor trailer.

Some people are naive, some people don't care, and some simply just don't know. Some think the bigger the truck the faster it stops. Yep, someone actually thought that.

My perception of sharing the highway is a total lack of respect and courtesy of cars (4 wheelers) to trucks. Simply because most just don’t know about trucking, what we do, who we are and why we’re here. Unfortunately only the bad stereo-typical image of truck drivers are exposed.... Most view us as dirty, raunchy, uneducated and overweight. Well doesn't everything in America have a good image and a not so great image? Most people don't even know what a truck really is and what the purpose of trucks are in the first place. Most just think of trucks as a big slow machine in their way slowing them down to get where they have to get.

Here’s the reality.

We keep America moving. The clothes you’re wearing, the food you buy in the supermarket, the prescriptions you need for health, the mail you receive from the postman, that nice big plasma TV in your living room, if you have it, a Trucker brought it. Boats bring goods to trains and from the trains the goods are put on a truck and the truck brings the goods to the stores.

Ever honk your horn impatiently and try to squeeze by a truck backing off the road into a supermarket dock? Good god, we’re delivering what you need and what you buy! Did you ever stop and ask yourself, how did these goods get on these store shelves? Why the total disrespect?

If I walked up and handed you the keys and asked you to get the job done better and faster than me, you'd change your attitude pretty fast. It is not easy. We are trying to make a living, and frankly without trucks and its drivers, America would stop. When you look at that 80 foot long 80,000 pound 18 wheeler next to you that takes the size of two football fields to stop, think about the male or female behind the wheel of that truck and the complete disaster and lives you will kill by cutting two feet in front of that truck and then hitting your brakes.

People forget, there’s a PERSON driving that truck delivering what YOU NEED
to survive. We are not put here solely to slow you down or aggravate you.

Truck drivers are said to have a bad attitude. Well maybe because we are misunderstood. We deal with so much stupidity and lack of respect on the road daily it’s hideous. Understand that our job is not easy and it takes a lot of skill and courage to drive and maneuver a tractor trailer. It takes a very long time for us to stop, when we turn we have to turn wide due to trailer “off tracking”, in rain or snow we cannot hit the brakes hard due to the brakes locking up and causing our trailer to “jack knife” and the list goes on…

A few simple things you can do to make our experience of sharing the highway a better and safer one. Please, use your signal so we can prepare for your move. As I stated above, it takes the size of two football fields to stop and we have what we call “brake lag”. By the time we hit the brake and the air travels to the brake chambers to actuate the s cams which then finally push the brake pads on the drums, there’s a few seconds of delay.

With that being said, please give us plenty of room before moving in front of us and use your signal so we can begin to slow down before you make the lane change. This is saving your life, our life, and many other people’s lives around us on the highway if you were to cause a pile up for a stupid move.

Truck drivers are just like anyone else and then some. They work to support their family, they are professionals, they have tons of skill and they’re full of wisdom. Truck drivers spend a lot of time alone, especially if they’re an over the road driver. It’s sad that the only bit of socialism they get is disrespect and lack of courtesy from non CDL drivers. That little bit of respect from a car, we will go above and beyond to help you.

If we’re in traffic and instead of squeezing in front of us just stick your arm out and politely show that you’d like to get in front. Believe me, show us a little respect and recognition and you’ll make both our day.
I know it makes mine!

As a local truck driver, I meet dozens of people on a daily basis and because of me being a non typical truck driver people ask me questions about why I drive a truck. Every day I get the question “isn’t driving that big rig hard?” “No, not anymore” I reply. A challenge? Absolutely! But that’s why I do it.

Even after 2 years of driving more than I walk, talk and sleep I am still learning something new out on the road. This is my calling, my dream, and something I just can’t live without. It’s freedom, it’s liberating and it’s what keeps America moving.

Try what I mentioned, it will make you feel good!

Comments for Female Truck Driver Talks Safety to Change the Negative Image of Truckers

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Dec 10, 2023
Beautiful picture NEW

Great looking pic your right these days people are in such a hurry too get where they have to go they are either distracted , speeding or just plain dumb is it really worth the 5 minutes you save to get somewhere any faster ?
Be safe out there people you only have one life to live make it great one 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Aug 11, 2023
by: martin

THANK YOU for what you do every day to kept this country going .If the AMERICAN TRUCKERS stop for 3 days this county would fall apart.We would be fighing in walmart for a can of beans,I hope it never comes to that.Again THANK YOU for the great job you do.I think more women should get into the trucking industry.

Nov 07, 2022
Lady truck driver NEW
by: Bill fasnacht

Thank you for your service! May God Keep safe! Thanks for Keeping American stocked with Food Clothing Supplies

Sep 07, 2021
Just a slut NEW
by: Anonymous

Can't stand a lot lizard who thinks they are a truck driver.

Apr 05, 2021
Rude drivers NEW
by: Anonymous

You go girl. I am a 74yo ex truckie, never did get my semi license, but I drove trucks all around Queensland in Australia for 44 years and after all that time I can honestly say there are a lot of ignorant drivers who wont give trucks the space they need to manouvre, very frustrating. Good on you girl, keep up the good work.

Jan 08, 2021
Comment NEW
by: Joe Danton

Very well said!!!

Dec 22, 2019
What a nice young lady NEW
by: Anonymous

Thats it-what a very nice young lady. I hope life brings you good things

Dec 10, 2019
Safe travels NEW
by: Anonymous

Good for you young sexy lady what you just wrote is nothing but the truth I was a in town driver and people where always flipping me the bird etc like you explained
Safe driving .
And have a good day 😁

Jul 17, 2019
Way to go! :) NEW
by: Harley

Everything U said, is SPOT ON ! Great! :)C U on the road! Be safe out there! :)

Jul 17, 2019
Make the most of it. NEW
by: Nik

Your days are numbered.
Autonomous trucks are moving in and will soon be the norm. They are emotionless, so dont give a damn what other fools do on the road.
All the truck-stop Cafe's and doss houses will also be out of jobs, so they also need to look for alternative employment. As for the bakers and all that supply them, it will hit them too.
Truck mechanics however will still be in demand, so maybe there's your new job, until they all become electric, and then there's less to go wrong so less need for mechanics. Eventually nothing will be repaired, just scrapped and replaced, like in many other fields.
I used to be a wireless mechanic. Who fixes wireless equipment today?

Mar 10, 2019
Safe Driving NEW
by: Mr.SB1

Hi, I'm a UK truck driver for a Container company.
I totally agree with your comments about ORUs(other road users) being very ignorent of the hazards of tangling with a 44tn 60ft vehicle, and the danger they put themselves and innocent ORUs into when they do something stupid in front of us. Unfortunately educating the driver should start when they learn to drive, not as an afterthought.
Safe Driving

Feb 09, 2019
Should I be a driver... NEW
by: Anonymous

I need some feedback from truckers out there..ive had a couple men tell me that i would be great at it..i drive now. But not tractor trailer. Mature female in her 50's i love being out on the open road. Ridden with a friend a couple times and got a feel for things. Ive inquired with Swift, CR England and CRST and they are hounding me to sign up for their training. Suggestions?? Comments on tgese companies or possible others good to go through training and driving for?? Thank you :-)

Feb 08, 2019
Safety first.
by: Chip Righter

I would like to see truck safety questions for all people testing for a regular drivers license.
It is imperative that car drivers completely understand the dynamics of a tractor trailer. Most importantly that car drivers understand why using turn indicators early and not cutting too close in front of a tractor trailors are critical for everyone's safety.
It gets down to common courtesy for all vehicles on the road.
Being a defensive driver is a choice which may some day save your life.
Good info Maya.

Jan 17, 2019
Maya's page is meant to change image NEW
by: Pitbull

Vile language doesn't change the image of truck drivers, it confirms how some are.
Cooperation of all drivers on the road makes the difference of daily experiences.
Be kind to one another.

Jan 16, 2019
by: Anonymous


Jan 16, 2019
by: Anonymous


Dec 10, 2018
big trucks in the fast lane NEW
by: Anonymous

my only probem with trucks is, why are they in the fast lane,they should only be there to pass and get back in the right lane, it wouldn't matter to me if they did the speed limit but they dont, and they hold up traffic

Nov 23, 2018
I only wish NEW
by: Pacman, Dallas texas

Hey there , I just ran across your page. I 've been a chicken hauler for 35 years now and I gotta say, i only wish you would run for president of ooida, take that to congress. And while your there, tell em to change it back to the logbook. Stats are showing them we are losing drivers by the thousands. I only wish that the ppl out there would listen to us, we do it everyday and night.
GOD Bless all of you and Happy Holidays to ya,

Oct 16, 2018
Heroine Road Warrior NEW
by: Pitbull

Maya is down South bringing supplies to the Hurricane victims. So many people have come up to her to thank her for being there.

Oct 16, 2018
U GO Girl ! NEW
by: Legal Tenders

Thanks for taking some of your time to try & educate some of our fellow motorists---- The Good & the Bad!

May 11, 2018
Dang really NEW
by: Anonymous

A female driver nothing wrong with it and he'll she only been driving for 2 years alot can happen in 2 years she is trying to share what she knows and learnd on this road the old saying goes girls grow up faster than boys do and I seen a few comments some where good but had to stop reading after I seen the comment about the 2 year make dude grow up really
I like seeing females out here doing a job just like a man would for many reason one yeah they better to look at that your ugly ASS lol and be one less load I have to worry about hauling and I be closer to home 3 in the 11 years I been driving a female driver is nicer and easier to talk to and get advise from 4 a few female drivers over the years OFFERD to pay of my meal out of the blue when they found out it was my birthday or I helped then without fail or asking for something in return and the last reason is my mom raised me to show respect to a woman so a female can do a job just like a man

May 08, 2018
Keep Up The Great Work! NEW
by: Lisa Godino

Hi Maya, how are you? Great article and thank you for sharing. I know the love you have for trucks and trucking, and I know what it means to you. Your passion comes out in your words. I think if you can make a difference in one person, just one, then I say kudos to you. I been trucking for many many years. Started trucking in 1989, and I have seen a whole lot of things change in the industry. Sadly to say not just truckers but people in general have a bad attitude. Everybody anymore seems to be out for themselves. I do not see much kindness anymore in the places I go. So what I do where ever I go is I am always kind and considerate of others no matter what because I want to be a good example to others even when they are jerks. People who are rude and unkind are hurting people in pain. The saying goes like this "hurt people hurt people". So miss Maya,keep up the great work, keep smiling, and keep being a good example, and always take the high road.

Apr 11, 2018
Higher respect and safety awareness. NEW
by: Pitbull

I personally know Maya Sieber and her influence has made a difference for road safety. Hundreds of new 4 wheel drivers have been made aware of the needs of truck drivers on the roads and have learned respect for them.

Apr 11, 2018
Truck driver 30+years NEW
by: HiCountry Rick

First thing for anonymous is you are a punk for not even telling us who u r..and this girl makes alot of sense.. had u ever been a real driver u would know this.. I'm done..go cry me a river anonymous

Mar 19, 2018
waaaa NEW
by: Anonymous

ohhh and wait for it,,,,,,,,,
we keep america moving, if it wasnt for us what would you do, our job is soo difficult, bla bla bla bla bla! about 40% of truck drivers i hire to move a flatbed load for me are lazy, bad attitude pieces of garbage. not all of you are created equal just because you drive a truck. and tghe only reason you are contantly being asked about trucking like it is soo hard because when you are at the truck stop all the men truckers are finally looking at a decent looking gal and they have been otr long time.

Mar 01, 2018
Lady please NEW
by: Anonymous

2yrs and ur a pro..How do students concentrate you training them, men or women? I agree with that one gal..you are a distraction on and off the road..

Jan 14, 2018
well done. NEW
by: Glenn

Great Job, I find that we just have to do the best we can without being combative and most people will do the same. Appreciate your thoughtful view of Truck driving.

Jan 08, 2018
Maya very well said! NEW
by: AnonymousRodney

Maya you have made it clear everything I always wanted to say to 4 wheelers. We truckers move the country(along with our brothers and sisters in the ship and railroad industry). We are not the public’s enemy. We are not in front of you purposely driving slow to annoy you. Semi-trucks are not cars and they maneuver completely different from cars. Anyway, Maya you are an inspiration to me because of your dedication to doing a good job. I wish you the best in your trucking career and hope you get much out of it. Stay strong and be safe out there.

Dec 27, 2017
Interested in becoming a driver NEW
by: Anonymous

Reading all the info about female drivers. Im currently a private driver for a limo company. Love my job but want to do something different and want to travel and see the road. I work a lot of hours to make my very expensive lease on my caddy. Need to find out how to xhat with and even possibly ride along with someone to get a feel for this and if its for me or not. Any info is much appreciated. Im a young at heart 58 yr old. And definitely used to working along with the men no problem. You can reach me at jamake59@gmail.com. thanks Jana

Jul 23, 2017
Lady Trucker NEW
by: Shirley Tinney

Well you are correct mostly, yes there are quite a number of aggressive truckers on the road as well as aggressive four wheelers. I have been a truck driver for sixteen years, no accidents with me behind the wheel. I don't know how long you've been driving trucks, but be aware that your physical condition can be affected sitting in that seat for many long miles and years of it! I used to look a lot like you, 125 lbs, 5'5"...I still am in fairly good shape considering, but years of physical abuse sitting in that seat eating food sold at truck stops and not much home time along with certain injuries from performing heavy physical task of load securement (flatbed) can cause physical harm, especially if you happen to be vaulted from a sleeper berth in a CMV traveling at 55mph upon collision with a car illegally parked without any hazard warning lights...no lights while parked blocking truck lane during night time hours and end up suffering back injuries from high impact trauma to your spine! Believe me the trucking industry is not on your side especially being an workers compensation claim! I've been driving truck in pain since 2006 with disk herniation at L3,L4,L5,S1 levels unable to recieve needed medical care. Still driving. It's my livelihood. There are alot of male drivers that treat women drivers disrespectful too! Outright dangerously! Trucking will change your physical attributes over time Maya.

Jun 22, 2017
Good on you NEW
by: Former "big John"

I spent many years behind the wheel,here and all over Europe,about two million miles all together.It had its rewards seeing the World and meeting all sorts of people and getting in to all sorts of situations that average could never imagine.One of my jobs was to deliver Class7 materials to sites that used that product for "sanatizing"food.We are very strict in Canada but you guys in the States,WOW.I cannot tell you how many times I had security escorts!!!!Anyway getting off subject,good on you but look after your health,it can break you.

Jun 11, 2017
Fellow driver NEW
by: Anonymous

For starters you said everything very modest,you really went light on describing how we truck drivers deal with typical everyday dealings with the public automobile driver.
My thoughts have always been that if EVERY HUMAN BEING HAD TO SPEND JUST ONE WEEK WITH A TRUCK DRIVER,attitudes would actually change if you could experience a taste of what we deal with daily,it's not a piece of cake,i promise!papaya

Apr 27, 2017
Thank You!!! NEW
by: Teresa

by: Anonymous" ...You are basically saying men can't handle temptation. That's their problem, not a woman's problem. That's like saying it's a woman's fault she was raped, wearing a mini-skirt or something sexy. Get a grip woman!

Maya Sieber you are a wonderful example of an awesome truck driver! I would be proud to have my two daughters look up to you. Thank you for posting this piece. You are so right! and so inspiring!

Apr 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

I appreciate everything you are trying to get out there but as a single mom once model myself I don't overlook the way I dress. You and every hard body babe myself included knows exactly what we cause men to think. You LITERALLY have no excuse for be working in a maily man job dressing this way! Many of the guys you encounter Everyday at work have families and wives at home and atleast some of those guys aren't wanting temptations! You cause men to want you and apparently like it. You don't have to flaunt. I am coming from the same choice as you. I choose to respect the time and place to flunt. Dress down and respect the women at home or one day it will be you dealing with what you have caused . Strong women know right from wrong in my opinion your a whore who gets off causing men to want you.

Mar 30, 2017
Testimonial NEW
by: Anonymous

Are you teaching people to drive big trucks? Have you been driving only 2 years? I congrats you if you are. I am a retired specialized hauler, all endorsements and it took me years to
learn all this, to become a professional. Weight of trailers, trucks, loads, rigging, chains, and binders, tie down points, oversize loads, wide and high, routes, and state laws. Do you know all this and teach it. I've pulled tankers, loaded and unloaded. I've pulled mostly heavy equipment, 3 axle, 4 axle, 5 axle. Do you teach all this? If you do then I hope you do hire more women. I will tell the women that go to work doing this, I have been on disability since 2007 and am 61 years . This type work will kill your bodies. If you care about your backs and legs, find another line of work. I have had so many shots in my back that it hurts thinking about it. I tried the blocks for 4 years before getting an internal pain pump implanted in my abdomen. I have worked the docks and drove big trucks and it's hard work. I was a tall good looking woman, still am, but the hard work cost at a price. Use your brains, not your backs. Oh the money was great but that comes at a price also. I was 22 when I started this type work and was 51 when I couldn't walk any longer. This is my testimonial to woman about this kind of work. Find something else or be tough. Have fun.

Feb 18, 2017
by: Anonymous

You are correct beautiful but you forgot to mention there are aggressive truck driver out here.Who like to get right up your rear end and they think they own the road.They try to said get out of my way,not every truck out here run fast.And I also see they get in the fast lane and get on the rear end o vehicle.That all I had to said.Keep on trucking.GOD BLESS AMERICA

Feb 07, 2017
Love NEW
by: Ernest Osborne

I love and respect each and everything you have said.I hope others read it and really understand what you have said. You are a very beautiful woman and thank you for everything you do. May God bless you every minute that you are behind the wheel and may God keep you safe every night.

Feb 07, 2017
Love NEW
by: Ernest Osborne

I love and respect each and everything you have said.I hope others read it and really understand what you have said. You are a very beautiful woman and thank you for everything you do. May God bless you every minute that you are behind the wheel and may God keep you safe every night.

Jan 20, 2017
I loved it NEW
by: frostbite

Your sweet beautiful woman And you hit the nail right on the head I loved it and I would love to meet with you and talk to you you sound very intelligent about truck driving Keep up the good work And stay safe out there on the roads...XxOo's

Jan 19, 2017
Positive words NEW
by: Anonymous

I enjoyed the way you put your sincerity and truth for all eyes to see; because this is the truth. My husband use to be a garbage man, awesome paying job but it is also not for everyone. There is a lot of people who don't respect big trucks, rigs, etc. on the road, I have seen it with my own eyes. The fact that truck drivers, garbage man etc. has to get the job done, like you said, to keep America moving and clean is vital and people do not realize this. I respect everyone but especially people who help make the world go around. Me and my husband are finally getting ready to take this step to go out on the road to do truck driving together, for the challenge and the passion to help America move; I agree, we see the bigger picture, while there are lots of other people who don't see the purpose at all. You just gave me more inspiration to go otr, I was afraid for many years, that I would not no how to handle a big tractor trailer, as fore I have always been in corporate America and really want a change and my husband would not go truck driving without me, so now that i have been reading and researching more, why limit myself to just corporate america, when I can be out on the road making money and seeing the country and push pass the challenges of a big tractor trailer, I think that would be truly awesome. More people who think like you would be awesome, this world needs the mindset that you have, and I agree with what the person said below in a comment, what you said should be published and everyone needs to read your story. Thank you for the inspiration.

Dec 29, 2016
by: Nathan MacDonald..

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My names are Nathan MacDonald.....

Dec 06, 2016
Raising Our Awareness Level. NEW
by: Chris From Glendale A.Z.

What an awesome piece of writting ! If this letter could be printed in every newspaper accross the country and if you could travel tge talk show T.V. circut and gst these wordz out to everyone in America YOU could change change the world. People need to be informed and be taught and aware of this incredibly important information. I think you did an amazing job writing this and I'aant to thank you for helping me to want to change'to be a better more respe tful and patient driver and change my attitude about truck drivers.

Dec 05, 2016
Total Agreement!!! NEW
by: Harley

I came back into this field, (due to the US Economy) about 6 years ago now!I first started driving Million Dollar Fuel Trucks around Multi-Million Dollar Aircraft, in The United States Air Force refueling those Aircraft! That was (I hate to admit)more years ago,(when I was 18) then I want to remember! Suffice it to say;the first time around, Americans still seemed to like (dare I say; Love) Truckers!!! Movin' On, had been on television in the 70's! Smokey and the Bandit with Burt Reynolds and Sally Field was a recent blockbuster movie hit! BJ and the Bear with Greg Evigan and The Bear (Who died I understand in 1992 of a Chimp disease)driving that Red and White KW 100 was a hit television show.I have relatives who were the real life version of the "Millionaire" Truck Drivers, back in the 70's and 80's! One even started in the 1950's!I too thought of being a trucker from when I was a kid! When I got out of the military, I drove for a short time as a "Civilian" and Reservist. Things were radically different then, compared to 6 years ago or even now! CDL's were NOT required, nor really was trucking school. Fuel we all know was much cheaper! There were tons less regulations and people in general seemed to like you! Truckers were the Kings and Queens of the Road!!! Some said Knights of the Road and treated relatively much better than we are today!
When I came back to this industry, I knew one way (from prior knowledge)that you made money, being Independent totally or Contracted with a Carrier as an Independent Contractor/Driver. I never had loads "swapped","repowered" all in what amounts to being stolen from me!!! Don't care if the carrier did it or not. It still amounts to stealing money from me! Never worried about dispatchers who didn't drive trucks, prior to being dispatchers! I really don't think I actually "ever" really had them per se'. I think maybe I had 1, that actually called himself a dispatcher really! Never in the Military! I just picked my Flight or picked my destination out of what was available! I never had DOT Officers "create" infractions. Yeah, still had Cops "Smokeys" always trying to put truckers in jail or give them tickets, pulling "stunts" of course! But nothing ever really serious, as I've heard about going on these days! Bottom line, trucking had changed for the worse!
But I'm not here to complain. I'm here to lend my support to Female Trucker! You hit it right on the money, honey!:) First, I think it's High Time for another Blockbuster Trucking movie, like Smokey and the Bandit. But NOT another remake, something different, positive,funny and a good time for all type of trucking movie, with big stars!!! I've always said;"If Hollywood wants a type of blockbuster movie,they know the go to people and can make a terrific blockbuster hit movie, about just about anything!:) 2nd,Another hit TV Show about trucking! I'm not talking another reality show that's overdone! I'm talking something "like", but Not a remake or anything! But like BJ and the Bear!
Lastly, I've been overseas recently and years ago! I'm also a fan of the trucking show, Outback Truckers! Granted, most of the reality trucking shows, since Ice Road Truckers have been overdone and rather campy in my opinion. But Outback Truckers wasn't to bad of Trucking Reality Show! However, here's my point: I've seen this overseas myself. I also see it portrayed on Outback Truckers. People in other countries like (for the most part) their truckers! Because of the very reasons Female Trucker talked about why people should like us more here in the States!!! The Outback Truckers get their goods to the people who need those goods! They also do it thru extrodinary (at times) environments! Yes, I know we do too! But Americans don't seem to know it here! Let alone appreciate it. Where as other country's people do!!! Japan's Truck Stops are first class all the way! Complete with Gourmet foods, first class hotels reasonably priced! Australia the same! Even many places in Europe Truckers are treated very nicely!
You know, the first time a 4 wheeler hit their brakes after passing me,I jumped and hit mine! When my trailer started getting wild. I thought it was going to start passing me on my left!! Luckily, I know how to drive,was able to get that baby back in line, no harm, no foul! However,I swore to myself, I would never put my life at risk, other driver's lives at risk or their families or pets or my pets lives at risk ever again! So a word to the wise, those of us drivers and owners, who know how to drive, don't put our foot on the brakes, if a 4 wheeler doesn't like us, because we took to long or whatever, were to slow, going around another vehicle, etc. Then passes us and slams on the brakes to "scare" us or something!!!Last truck I had, had a bumper camera! Shows everything!!! So you drivers guess what. You do something crazy, smile because your license plate number, just went out over the internet!! Millions of people just watched you hit your brakes for no reason, when nobody was in front of you, then try an speed off!Just because you were mad at me for taking a few extra seconds passing a slower vehicle! Mostly, so I can obey the law, not follow another vehicle to close or cause other problems!Because another driver's truck is governed slower than mine and I'm forced to pass to remain safe for everyone!

Nov 30, 2016
Understood NEW
by: RV Andy

Yeah, I got a lot of miles under my belt and you brought up many great points. Unappreciated and disrespected by so many that haven't got a clue what it takes to operate the big rigs day in and day out. Us Americans are spoiled by having so many choices of different items to purchase. They need to understand how much more things would really cost of it wasn't for us truckers. Hang in there and stay sharp!!

Nov 30, 2016
Understood NEW
by: RV Andy

Yeah, I got a lot of miles under my belt and you brought up many great points. Unappreciated and disrespected by so many that haven't got a clue what it takes to operate the big rigs day in and day out. Us Americans are spoiled by having so many choices of different items to purchase. They need to understand how much more things would really cost of it wasn't for us truckers. Hang in there and stay sharp!!

Nov 21, 2016
resonce NEW
by: Anonymous

it was better in the 60's 70's , more respect for us. now it's exactly what you said . hope you stay with it . maybe i'll see you out there some day . keep the shinny side up , DON

Nov 07, 2016
Wow such arrogance NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a pretty nice looking 46 year old Wife,Mother and professional female truck driver. But what do your looks half to do with driving the big rigs. If I had the opportunities you have had at your young age,WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO BE A TRUCK DRIVER.... Makes no damn since. You commented that you hated being Sexy but your a truck driver. Strong minded,tough,get dirty,hard working women drivers with years of experience are the BEST. Short,Tall,Skinny,Fat,Old,Younger,Average,Above Average they are all there. Having big fake boobs a slim figure and nice ass won't give you experience. I've been driving since I was 19 and my looks didn't teach me a gosh darn thing about operating a SEMI... So to all the different kind of women truckers I commend you. Anyone with an arrogant attitude or personality won't make it as a WOMAN TRUCKER..... I don't think people really concept years and years of driving it will wear on you tear you down and one day you will not want to do it anymore. It makes your body ache,makes you look older than you are,tired tired tired..... I would never want my children or grandchildren to be TRUCK DRIVERS..... IT'S NOT REALLY A LIFE IT'S A LONG DEAD END ROAD..... BE SOMETHING GREATER PEOPLE...
God bless,the old timers bet 50% of them wish they would of chose a different profession.

Oct 20, 2016
Sharing the road NEW
by: Shannyshacker06

Sweety you don't know the half of it. wait till you have seen the crashes and the things that happen on the road. There are a lot of steering wheel holders out there on the road now a days.
they can't back up, can't shift gears and came barely keep it in there own lane. You have a lot to learn.

Sep 29, 2016
goes both ways NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm 60 years old and have driven before, and you are telling it like it is. But lets not forget the A!! H### truck driver that think because they are in a 18 Wheeler they are god,They has NO respect for anyone but there self's..
Be SAFE and Thank You all for delivering....

Sep 29, 2016
by: edward jones


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Sep 21, 2016
Driver NEW
by: Anonymous

Well said and I might add very good looking truck driver.

Aug 20, 2016
by: Anonymous

Well said

Aug 20, 2016
by: Anonymous

Well said

Aug 13, 2016
beauty NEW
by: hagi

danm maya u r so beautifull

Apr 30, 2016
Good info, and a good read. NEW
by: SeanPatrick

I have also done it all (about as much as you) and see myself quite unfulfilled. I am 46 and decided to get my CDL to change all of that. I have always had huge respect for truckers being that my uncle was one.
Thanks for the read and the positive light you put on the trade and the reality of the profession.

Apr 20, 2016
truckers are dangerous serial killers NEW
by: troy York Left shark blog

To hell with you and your industry. Most of you drivers are misanthropic rednecks attracted to this industry because you cant get along with others. Your wok habits of driving to avoid hour-regulation and non-stop with no sleep poses a serious problem for this country,

Jun 08, 2015
Best daughter driver NEW
by: Anonymous

I have become a driving instructor since my daughter became a truck driver. In all my lessons I instruct how to interact with truck drivers. She was thrilled that I have been doing this, as it creates safer 4 wheelers, as well as 18 wheelers. Love you all, Pitbull.

Jun 07, 2015
pretty as a picture NEW
by: Precious

I love being a truck Driver!!!
For all women that are drivers, I appreciate you. Keep up the good work.

Jul 06, 2014
Wow! NEW
by: Matt

What a stunning truck ... (er ... was it the truck?) ;))
Best regards
(from Germany)

May 26, 2014
Being targeted NEW
by: Calif strawberry

Well after 30+ years of driving I realize it's four wheelers will accuse you of just about anything either hitting and getting out your truck abusing them especially when your woman and they see that they may have the upper hand that's when you have to buckle down and really be the driver that know her stuff. Be smart and don't ever let anybody threatening you and think your Bonable just because you're a woman. I know I've been there so all of you super trucking women out there be strong stay true and hammer down!.

Apr 12, 2014
great being a driver NEW
by: Ranger

Maya,I must say it's great to have read your views about trucking safely today.I must also say that not only the trucks are nicer theses days but also the drivers are getting much prettier.No offence just compliment for a beautiful Young Lady. It's good to see Ladies behind the wheel fulfilling their life long dreams of life behind the wheel.As an ex-driver of 40+ years I can very much relate to the joys and the problems that confront drivers across our land.Trucking is something that takes a very special and unique type individual,not everyone can handle the pressures of being a driver.Every day presents a different challenge of some type.After all my career,I must say each day i learned something different,seems like you never know it all.When you know it all,you're just a curve away from finding out that you really do not.Keep on Trucking...God Bless

Apr 12, 2014
Hats off to the Ladies Trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

First, I want to say it's great to have such a wonderful Young Lady in the Trucking Industry that shares very good views of the Industry.As a now retired driver of 40+ years I readily know the problems that the Drivers come in contact with daily.It's not an easy job for either man or woman.It takes a very special individual to with stand all that this Industry throws your way.Many do not understand a truckers life because they've never been there.Through the years of driving,i never stopped learning.To those who seemingly think they know it all,trouble is around the curve.As per my views on Ladies behind the wheel of the big rig. I have experienced many great Lady Drivers.On one ocassion many years ago on a snowy,,cold and very slick roadway through NY on I-84 I was west bound about to make my way to what the truckers used to call the (Ho-chee-minn Trail) which was Rt.209 through Buskill falls a short cut back then to coming South.A Female Voice came over my CB Radio looking for a west bound rig,after a few minutes with no one answering,i answered her,she was somewhere behind me and wanting to know about this Route we were about to take.I slowed and let her catch up as we headed down the Trail,after about an hour we arrived at Muellers Diner at end of the trail,that's where i announced a coffee break to rest and unwind a bit from battling bad roads as we stopped she rolled up beside me in a Huge Cab over KW and Refer.As i climbed out my truck there stood a small 5'-3" little Blonde,I was amazed and thought perhaps she had a husband along and ask her to get the Hubby for coffee,that's when i found she was indeed handling this big rig by herself.We had coffee and meal and talked trucking only to find that she indeed would be following me the remainder of my trip.Her driving ability was very professional as she negociated many miles of slick road that night as we traveled until we departed our ways at Winchester,Va.where i got off headed for my terminal in the Mountains of WV.This was my first encounter helping a Lady driver who wasn't sure of what the Trail had to offer as she made comments of horror stories she'd heard about it.It was a joy to help someone that was truly wanting help that night.Ladies do make up a large part of the driving force and need be treated with respect also,after all they're just trying make a living trucking like you.

Apr 12, 2014
Hats off to the Ladies Trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

First, I want to say it's great to have such a wonderful Young Lady in the Trucking Industry that shares very good views of the Industry.As a now retired driver of 40+ years I readily know the problems that the Drivers come in contact with daily.It's not an easy job for either man or woman.It takes a very special individual to with stand all that this Industry throws your way.Many do not understand a truckers life because they've never been there.Through the years of driving,i never stopped learning.To those who seemingly think they know it all,trouble is around the curve.As per my views on Ladies behind the wheel of the big rig. I have experienced many great Lady Drivers.On one ocassion many years ago on a snowy,,cold and very slick roadway through NY on I-84 I was west bound about to make my way to what the truckers used to call the (Ho-chee-minn Trail) which was Rt.209 through Buskill falls a short cut back then to coming South.A Female Voice came over my CB Radio looking for a west bound rig,after a few minutes with no one answering,i answered her,she was somewhere behind me and wanting to know about this Route we were about to take.I slowed and let her catch up as we headed down the Trail,after about an hour we arrived at Muellers Diner at end of the trail,that's where i announced a coffee break to rest and unwind a bit from battling bad roads as we stopped she rolled up beside me in a Huge Cab over KW and Refer.As i climbed out my truck there stood a small 5'-3" little Blonde,I was amazed and thought perhaps she had a husband along and ask her to get the Hubby for coffee,that's when i found she was indeed handling this big rig by herself.We had coffee and meal and talked trucking only to find that she indeed would be following me the remainder of my trip.Her driving ability was very professional as she negociated many miles of slick road that night as we traveled until we departed our ways at Winchester,Va.where i got off headed for my terminal in the Mountains of WV.This was my first encounter helping a Lady driver who wasn't sure of what the Trail had to offer as she made comments of horror stories she'd heard about it.It was a joy to help someone that was truly wanting help that night.Ladies do make up a large part of the driving force and need be treated with respect also,after all they're just trying make a living trucking like you.

Apr 12, 2014
Hats off to the Ladies Trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

First, I want to say it's great to have such a wonderful Young Lady in the Trucking Industry that shares very good views of the Industry.As a now retired driver of 40+ years I readily know the problems that the Drivers come in contact with daily.It's not an easy job for either man or woman.It takes a very special individual to with stand all that this Industry throws your way.Many do not understand a truckers life because they've never been there.Through the years of driving,i never stopped learning.To those who seemingly think they know it all,trouble is around the curve.As per my views on Ladies behind the wheel of the big rig. I have experienced many great Lady Drivers.On one ocassion many years ago on a snowy,,cold and very slick roadway through NY on I-84 I was west bound about to make my way to what the truckers used to call the (Ho-chee-minn Trail) which was Rt.209 through Buskill falls a short cut back then to coming South.A Female Voice came over my CB Radio looking for a west bound rig,after a few minutes with no one answering,i answered her,she was somewhere behind me and wanting to know about this Route we were about to take.I slowed and let her catch up as we headed down the Trail,after about an hour we arrived at Muellers Diner at end of the trail,that's where i announced a coffee break to rest and unwind a bit from battling bad roads as we stopped she rolled up beside me in a Huge Cab over KW and Refer.As i climbed out my truck there stood a small 5'-3" little Blonde,I was amazed and thought perhaps she had a husband along and ask her to get the Hubby for coffee,that's when i found she was indeed handling this big rig by herself.We had coffee and meal and talked trucking only to find that she indeed would be following me the remainder of my trip.Her driving ability was very professional as she negociated many miles of slick road that night as we traveled until we departed our ways at Winchester,Va.where i got off headed for my terminal in the Mountains of WV.This was my first encounter helping a Lady driver who wasn't sure of what the Trail had to offer as she made comments of horror stories she'd heard about it.It was a joy to help someone that was truly wanting help that night.Ladies do make up a large part of the driving force and need be treated with respect also,after all they're just trying make a living trucking like you.

Apr 12, 2014
Hats off to the Ladies Trucking NEW
by: Anonymous

First, I want to say it's great to have such a wonderful Young Lady in the Trucking Industry that shares very good views of the Industry.As a now retired driver of 40+ years I readily know the problems that the Drivers come in contact with daily.It's not an easy job for either man or woman.It takes a very special individual to with stand all that this Industry throws your way.Many do not understand a truckers life because they've never been there.Through the years of driving,i never stopped learning.To those who seemingly think they know it all,trouble is around the curve.As per my views on Ladies behind the wheel of the big rig. I have experienced many great Lady Drivers.On one ocassion many years ago on a snowy,,cold and very slick roadway through NY on I-84 I was west bound about to make my way to what the truckers used to call the (Ho-chee-minn Trail) which was Rt.209 through Buskill falls a short cut back then to coming South.A Female Voice came over my CB Radio looking for a west bound rig,after a few minutes with no one answering,i answered her,she was somewhere behind me and wanting to know about this Route we were about to take.I slowed and let her catch up as we headed down the Trail,after about an hour we arrived at Muellers Diner at end of the trail,that's where i announced a coffee break to rest and unwind a bit from battling bad roads as we stopped she rolled up beside me in a Huge Cab over KW and Refer.As i climbed out my truck there stood a small 5'-3" little Blonde,I was amazed and thought perhaps she had a husband along and ask her to get the Hubby for coffee,that's when i found she was indeed handling this big rig by herself.We had coffee and meal and talked trucking only to find that she indeed would be following me the remainder of my trip.Her driving ability was very professional as she negociated many miles of slick road that night as we traveled until we departed our ways at Winchester,Va.where i got off headed for my terminal in the Mountains of WV.This was my first encounter helping a Lady driver who wasn't sure of what the Trail had to offer as she made comments of horror stories she'd heard about it.It was a joy to help someone that was truly wanting help that night.Ladies do make up a large part of the driving force and need be treated with respect also,after all they're just trying make a living trucking like you.

Jul 29, 2013
Thank u!! NEW
by: IrishEyesRSmiling

Thank u so much for this page. Like u when i was younger i knew i wanted to b a truck driver but thru the disapproval of my dad( he said to me when i told what i wanted to do when i grew up and i told him a truck driver "thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard. U can do btr w ur life.") and my life choices i havent been able to realize it and probably wont for the next 10-12 yrs due to having a small child. But i just love that u and all the other lady truckers give the great perspectives n truths of being out there on the road.

Jun 25, 2013
you said it well. NEW
by: Driver70

I've been in this trade for almost 3yrs now. I've always wanted to do this. I love to travel and drive. I recently ended a 23 year relationship, where 20 of that I was married. People have a bad assumption of us truckers. I have been trying to find that special someone for quite a while now. I keep getting the same thing with these online dating sites. Eaither they don't belive the picture is really me or they think I'm a dirty nasty, stupid trucker. People don't realize that we are no different than they are. I had a lady one time tell me the only reason I was a trucker is because I was too stupid to be anything else. Like the gentlemen, that I am, I drove her straight home and went to dinner and a movie by my self. I AM a college educated man, matter of fact I have 3 associate degrees. I just like to travel and drive. I'm 5'4 160 pounds blonde hair blue eyes with an athletic build. The last internet site I signed up for I got 400 hits in three months, little lower than average, but its all good. I put in my description that I'm a trucker and you wouldn't believe how many women tell me if I quit doin what I'm doin than they will start a relationship with me, well we know how far that got them. This is the only trade I've been in where the biggest majority of the people will help others out. Like you I've been a, mechanic, plumber,machinist, carpenter, ran my own business for years. In all them other trades very few people ever offered to help. There are good people in this trade and even people that will stop and help people stranded on the side of the road. This trade has a lot of heart involved and we all get a bad rap no matter what kind of people we are or how many people we help, or even make smile in a day. I know some day I will find my soul mate and if I never do, so be it. I'm proud to call myself an American Trucker. Like my favorite t-shirt say's," Trucker by Birth and American by The Grace of God". This is who I am and who I'm gona be till the day I die. Thank you all for reading my post and hope you all have a great day!!!!!! Be safe and take care. Oh ya before I forget you are hotter than 10 inch stacks blowin 4ft flames rumblin down a 4% grade 20 miles long. Driver gone, hammer down

Jan 10, 2013
Respect NEW
by: Indiandy

Hi although i have never driven a big rig i know enough about them to give all their drivers the maximum respect ive been driving various vehicles for 25yrs and still get a thrill when assisting a truck to pull in front of me in busy traffic and helping everyone to be knights of the road Love you Maya

Jan 10, 2013
Respect NEW
by: Indiandy

Hi although i have never driven a big rig i know enough about them to give all their drivers the maximum respect ive been driving various vehicles for 25yrs and still get a thrill when assisting a truck to pull in front of me in busy traffic and helping everyone to be knights of the road Love you Maya

Aug 27, 2012
your right
by: little john

id love to truck with you, i saw you on irt, i have been driving 15 years now, your so right, thats why i want to get out of trucking, cars today, its always trucks fault never cars, the cops n dot, they stop us when a car calls on us but we call on a car never see them stoped, they say all bout safety, its money i say, girls like you keep me in trucking, just knowing theirs girls out there doing this, keeps me going

May 09, 2012
Thank You!!!
by: Josie Kay Nell :)

i really appreciate your post because some young girls might be embarassed about their dream job because it is wrongly assumed to be a male occupation.

May 09, 2012
Thank You!!!
by: Josie Kay Nell :)

i really appreciate your post because some young girls might be embarassed about their dream job because it is wrongly assumed to be a male occupation.

May 09, 2012
Thank You!
by: Josie Nell

Honestlyi think that you are very inspiring to girls who might be embarassed about having a job that is steriotypically for men (so not true!):)))

Mar 15, 2012
Making Truckers Happy
by: Pitbull

Learning about the role of Truckers and their value has enabled me to give them space and respect on the road and streets.
When I've seen one in a predicament, trying to get into traffic, or needing to back up into a tight space,I give the trucker the space to do so and it makes their day. I've been given big horn acknowledgement and big smiles. It has made driving with trucks safer for me.

Maya will be at the MAT show this month in Kentucky.


Mar 14, 2012
great post
by: Daniel

you are totally right.. I am in CDL school now and am learning soooo much about the road that i never had a clue about..Love the post and love watching you on tv.. i am a big fan.. See ya down the road someday..

Feb 24, 2012
WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

I couldn't have said that any better. Grave yards are full of people that played games with trucks,and the sad thing is, the DRIVER is the one that has to take the blame for the stupidity of other people. Its about time for america and goverment to wake-up and see the TRUTH about whats really happening on america's highways. Stop blaming ALL the truckers and start educating the public about trucks.

Jan 12, 2012
Highest Standards
by: Pitbull

Only a person with high standards would be interested enough in improving the life of Truckers.
Maya Sieber is that person, and every day makes an impact on truckers around the world.

Jan 12, 2012
Great article
by: Anonymous

I agree with you about driving being liberating. Thank you for the insight.

Oct 05, 2011
I couldn't agree more
by: Jonnywoo

I've been driving for 4 years around the cities and over the road (day runs). I Couldn't handle being a over the road driver not the life style I could choose.

But I can say I've cut off cars in traffic to switch lanes to avoid people merging onto the freeway more of a common courtesy it's hard having 70' of trailer behind you and being governed at 65 so it may seem like were jerks to pass a rig and may take some time but if you 4 wheelers give us some time we will move over ASAP.

I got a question for you Maya on IRT do they haul wiggle wagons (pups) down the daulton?

Sep 25, 2011
Professionalism First and Foremost
by: Anonymous

Hey Maya could not have said it better myself, there are allot of 4 wheelers out there who have a total lack of respect for trucks on the road.

Unfortunately I have to agree with some of the other commenter when they say that some truck drivers also have a lack of respect for other road users.

I’ve been driving for about 27 years, 23 with the Canadian Forces and have driven in Canada the USA and various other countries around the world and I am now a civilian driver in Canada.

Aggressive driving I can honestly say is alive and well no matter where you may find yourself, the Middle East is by far the most challenging environment I have ever driven in but for the people there it is a way of life.

Truckers must rise above the temptation to teach other road users a lesson by tailgating them, blowing horns etc when they have been the recipient of aggressive driving, it's what separates Professional Drivers from other road users.

To gain respect we must show respect, it's not easy given the rising amount of vehicles sharing the road. Maya wisely pointed out that we drive very large, heavy vehicles that take a considerable amount of time to stop and extra space to maneuver.

Actions such as tailgating a family vehicle with the type of vehicles we drive just adds to the frustration level of everyday drivers.

We have a responsibility to set the example or else risk accepting aggressive driving as a way of life

Sep 15, 2011
Lack of driver education.

I have been working as a transport driver on and off since I was 18 I am now nearly 46.

I currently own and operate a small business transporting heavy construction equipment in the San Jose /Bay Area region.

I have noticed that the skill of just plain being a decent person has also eroded over the years along with the ability to operate a vehicle.

I especially noticed the skill level of 4 wheel drivers declining significantly when the state of California defunded drivers education. It's completely unfortunate that they had to do this not to mention the fact that they had to defund many other life requirements but I digress.

The skill levels have gone through the floor. I agree that most of the general public has absolutely no idea what it's like to operate an 18 wheeler. I do have to put a huge huge portion of the blame though on the California DMV Who's entire responsibility is to determine if the driver possesses the ability to operate a vehicle.

I have no idea what or how our testing requirements have been relaxed so much that anyone with a heartbeat is licensed. There have been tons of undercover sting operations that uncovered hundreds and hundreds of people who were not educated in the least to operate a 4 wheeler.

Not to mention that the DMV personnel were merely given a hand slap as punishment for selling a driver's license to these individuals after failing miserably during both the written and driver testing portions.

I was under the impression that they could be held personally responsible for a person who was involved in or caused an accident.

I really hope that we reclaim our roadways and reallocate them to the properly educated before any more innocent people are hurt or killed. Even one more minor injury is one too many.

California Department of Motor Vehicles GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER and make our roadways safer by just doing the job you were hired to do as
Or maybe we should all just decide to stop recognizing them and re-elect an entity with higher moral standards than the one we currently have today.

One who feels that $500. 00 is not an acceptable price to put a poor driver behind the wheel who with a very high odds is going to cause harm or death to someone (or many someones) sometime.

Let me pose the question to the DMV was it worth it?

Jul 10, 2011
Oh Yeahhhh
by: Ron Jeremy

I think I'm gonna pop!

Jun 20, 2011
Inconsideration on the road
by: Shamrock

Maya, I agree that their are a lot of drivers out there that do not understand how much harder it is to manuever or stop a semi, and in our society it is common place for people to be impatient, rude, and inconsiderate - especially on the road. I feel for you and the job you do, and appreciate all of the truck drivers out there that keep America moving.

That being said, I also see truck drivers that have no consideration for the four wheel vehicles out there. I live off of 81 in Virginia - the north/south major conduit through Virginia. I see, on a daily basis, truckers who cut off four wheel vehicles - and I mean cut off in the truest fashion, often causing vehicles to slam on THEIR brakes to accomodate the impatient trucker...and in most instances it is only to pass the semi in front of them who is going one or two miles per hour slower than they are.

My point is that it isn't non-truckers only, it is human nature.

I enjoy IRT, and think you are a great addition to the show.

Jun 13, 2011
u go girl
by: taz

just like to say i hual rock and blacktop for alot of yrs and and seen alot of thing as i did it but 4 wheels are bad drives but take one for a ride and u can chg ther minds about truck driver very fast thats what i did P.S. BY THE WAY MAYI YOUR 1 VERY BEAUTIFUL LADY HOPE TO SEE MORE PICTS OF U IN A BIKEN SORRY I CHAT TO MUCH

Jun 13, 2011
long time ago
by: Joey

hey,its been a long time.It was really weird seeing you on t.v. Dont know if you remember me,Delaneys?Haseienda?Still got that ford truck?Did you ever go down south and drive one of the Nascar Haulers?that was the last thing we talked about.Hope all is well,good luck with your career,

Jun 11, 2011
Life as a trucker
by: Gus

Hi Maya, I'm glad to know a beautiful lady like you became a Trucking professional,I bet it's nice as you can be in very nice places, as a trucker have you ever experienced bad things besides the unconsiderate drivers? i.e. flat tires, roadkills, etc? I hear is very common that trucks run over critter in the country roads...is that true?

Jun 10, 2011
Re: Truckers better drivers
by: Pitbull

It's all from the person's viewpoint. When we are being a pedestrian, we get upset at the car drivers who cut us off and don't respect us.
When we are driving our cars, we get upset at pedestrians who walk too slow or cross where they aren't supposed to.

Truck drivers have to deal with 4 wheelers and pedestrians who don't understand breaking distance, weight of the cargo, etc.

Truck drivers keep America going. As Maya points out, when we go to reach for a product in our stores, how do you think it got there? By a Truck Driver!

So, the point she is making is to give more respect to the Truckers who are keeping America going.

Jun 10, 2011
Truckers drive better??
by: Anonymous

I read with interest the comment that drivers in cars don't respect truckers. While that might be partially true, I have experienced MANY inconsiderate truckers in my travels from coast to coast.

Driving too close, cutting off cars, "elephant" racing to block lanes of highway travel and not allow cars to pass. I had a run in with one truck driver who was swerving to not allow anyone to pass.

When confronted at a stop, his excuse???....He got tired of cars passing him! Dumbass!! My respect for truckers has significantly degraded due to the disrespect and unsafe driving I see on the road every day from so called "professional" drivers.

Jun 03, 2011
To Anonymous
by: Pitbull

I saw the article and it is from November 2010.
How could she still be driving if it was her?

Jun 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

More than 1 Maya Sieber in Chester, NY? If you say so.

Jun 03, 2011
To Anonymous
by: Pitbull

No, that is not the same Maya in that article.

Jun 03, 2011
same maya?
by: Anonymous


Is this the same Maya? What was the outcome?

May 31, 2011
by: paul hunter

i am with you on that people dont have respect for truck drivers. i am a 17 year old kid in high school but i am the same as you and i have dreamed of driving since i could ever remember.

all of my family drives and i have always wanted to. i go on the road with my mother every weekend to help her with unloading the trailer and things. and i love the whole concept of being behind a vehicle that if you make the wrong move can kill someone.

people need a lot of skill and i am thankful that i have a family that is all truck drivers. i cant wait to get my CDL. my grandparents and mother have taught me how to drive trucks on my grandparents land and i got it down but many people think that if you are a truck driver you are just throwing your life away... and they are WRONG...

Feb 27, 2011
Words well spoken!
by: Onekajun

I know this article has some age to it now, but wanted to throw my 2 cents in as well.
It's not all about mashin gas and totin ass. I agree with everything you said in your article.

I started driving 4 years ago, hauling a chemical tanker. This past year I bought my own truck and switched over to a box.

I am glad I started with the tank. It gave me a TOTAL respect for driving with caution. I think most people are simply not aware of how bad their driving skills are. I know i mentally critique every one of my friends and family when i ride with them somewhere...and they all suck! (i love you mom!)

By the way, my FAVORITE scenario is when i am in the right lane and a car thinks he has the right of way when merging from a ramp... or when i activate my car magnet....aka blinker to switch lanes and everyone in that lane speeds up cause they don't want to be behind the big slow truck.

Ok, this is getting long so i will cut it short...By the way i have to throw this out there...you are smokin hot!

Jun 25, 2010
Hold Steady Girl
by: Anonymous

Your original message is what should be the focal point here. Continue on that track.
The person who made the unfortunate comments seems to have retreated. Now back to more important things like your intelligent article about safety for the benefit of everyone in the USA and other countries!

Jun 25, 2010
by: Maya

And may I add.... one of the 3 lovely insecure "men" have gotten in quite a few accidents driving a truck. So, me hurting my neck at work doesn't hold a candle to not being able to drive a little Freightliner

Jun 25, 2010
My supporters and lovely co-workers
by: Maya

Thanks for the comments everyone. Very much appreciated for your true love and support :)

Oh and the jealous men acting like Kindergarten children on here are one of 3 co-workers on my Facebook page so I already knowww whooo youuu arrrreee! You guys are too cute when you show your jealous insecure side :)

Why don't you step it up and be men and not be anonymous?

Jun 21, 2010
You Totally Rock !!!!!
by: Christina

Anyone who is talking shit can just go suck it they are just jealous of who Maya is. Maya you know I love you girl and just let me know who this ass is and ill handle them lol dont mess with a Sicilian woman you wont make it out alive!!!

Jun 19, 2010
Supergirl, super PERSON!
by: Conroy in the Convoy

What amazes me about Maya's choice is that this wasn't just a "family tradition", with no other options to choose from. Out of the blue, she wanted it and MADE IT HAPPEN!!!

Sorry about the "troll", by the way; they turn up everywhere.

Jun 19, 2010
by: Caesar Alarcon Franchignoni

I a proud to know you. You changed the public perception about Truck drivers. I am always impressed when our young people take time to be kind to our older drivers. It's not an easy job to be one and I know you will make it easier for others to follow you.

One day, I see you on the road and I will know it is you.

Jun 18, 2010
Women in the Know
by: Anonymous

Wise words from wise women. Glad to see you out there and calling it like it is.

Jun 18, 2010
Finally ... A being awake and alive!
by: Raven De La Croix

I personally traveled across country under many weather conditions and circumstances including following a truck like the star of the heavens in an ice storm on the way to NYC in the holidays with my young son and our Sheppard.

Freezing ... dangerous ... and me with no snow chains from California.

Short story ... I was educated by truckers on this journey as I was advised to always stop at truck stops on the way for someplace always open ... parts "in case"... and people in the know.
As in any community there are always people lurking in lower vibrations but like in any society ... there is always that 2%~ Since I was taught so many valuable things from truckers and a special 'truck-owner' friend taught me the most about the road as I took a few West Coast journeys and observes a master of the road skillfully avoiding death or serious consequences many times a day.

I witnessed him having to make a decision of saving my life or the peoples on the freeway ... he looked at me and I looked at him and I said "Do what would serve the greatest good for all" ... he made his move which we were convinced would 'take us out' but miraculously ...due to his skill and commitment ... at least 50 people and half that number in vehicles were prevented from injury and death including us.

I had a headache due to stress but nothing else!
Well I am blessed with witnessing these skills unbeknown to the majority of drivers out there.
Before these times I admit to careless acts of ignorance and am blessed to be more aware due to the likes of Maya and the conscious drivers of the planet.

I like your analogy of bringing food across America ... and those that bite the hand that feeds them .. go figure!

I figure it is negative ego that these wanna-bee's threw out there. Ignore them ... it is just their fear of your resolve to inform the public. Imagine that?! More articles would be great!

Jun 18, 2010
women's ability
by: Anonymous

Women are a lot more able and powerful than have been given credit for. I found what Maya has to say about what she does totally awesome. You can really see and hear when the old head of man's oppression and fear of women's emancipation rears its ugly face again.

The poor fellow who wrote that a work accident is proof that a female shouldn't do "a man's" job and stay home, preferably barefoot and pregnant, shows that this fear is still alive and well in today's society.

It also goes to show that there are still some very fearful and insecure men out there. This poor fellow probably has trouble with women, in general.

Jun 18, 2010
You Rock !!!!!
by: Darlene

The page that Maya put together shows that she is proud to be a Trucker . Not many women go for this kind of occupation . Her loyalty & dedication to the Trucking world clearly shows .

I know Maya & know for fact that she has learned everything she needed to be a professional Trucker

So who ever has a BEEF with what she is communicating here needs to regroup & commend her on her ability & dedication to this world of Truckers . Maya , You just "KEEP ON TRUCKIN"

Jun 18, 2010
You missed the point of her article!
by: Anonymous

The point of Maya's article was completely missed by the person who obviously has a gripe. She's writing something constructive to help truck drivers and other drivers and this poor soul uses this platform to try to discredit her.
What a jerk!

Jun 18, 2010
Maya's two years of driving has been exemplary
by: Anonymous

Maya has been driving for two years with amazing skill and dexterity. She has accomplished extreme know how of the roads and long hours every day and has a wonderful viewpoint about driving and loves her job.

Whoever this anonymous commenter is,is a liar him or herself.

Sounds like this person has a gripe.

Jun 18, 2010
this girl lies !!
by: Anonymous

she hasnt been driving for two years, maybe a year, she was out cause she hurt her little neck moving pruduce,right there is the reason women should stay home !!

Jun 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

you sure know a lot for someone who has only been driving for two years,

Jun 02, 2010
by: Anonymous

you sure know a lot for someone who has only been driving for two years,

Apr 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hey girl I must say well put, lol!! I put mine up but can't find it, lmao!! Miss ya girl see you this year, right, lol?

Apr 27, 2010
Your are great.
by: Anonymous

Well Put in words.
I am happy that your are such a responsible citizen.
Mom did a good job in raising you.

Apr 27, 2010
Meet you half way
by: Carlos Caliente

You sure demand a lot, what do you intend to give me if I do as you say? You know, life a a little give and a little get.

Apr 27, 2010
Well Said!
by: Trudi

You Go Girl!

Apr 27, 2010
Quite an amazing article
by: Olivia

This article is very clear and perfectly written.
I applaud you! Love, Mom

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