Fifty-Two And Displaced From The Auto Industry

by Rob
(Garden City, Michigan)

Just took an early retirement from a 25 year career as an automotive engineer, in Detroit. Not ready to totally put my feet up, though! Have always loved driving long distances, and have always fantasized about becoming a long haul truck driver, while sitting behind my immobile desk. Now, it looks like I would have the time to pursue the training and potentially add some decent retirement income. But, at the age of 52 (in terrific shape, though), would anybody hire me as a new driver?

Would be very appreciative of any experiences or info anybody may be able to share in relation to starting out as an older driver.

By the way, this is a terrific site! The best on driving that I have found!

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Jan 07, 2009
52 yrs young
by: jimmy

Age is not a problem in this business. A good attitude, driving record, clean physical and good common sense. I've encountered drivers way into their 70's still out here.

I would suggest you pay as you go re:the school. simply because some schools have been known to close up shop midway thru the session. and you lose your money. good luck........jimmy

Dec 08, 2008
by: Rob

Thanks for looking into that, Hervy! I did some calling around myself, and found out pretty much the same thing. That just confirms what they told me.

I have an appointment tomorrow, with a school called Samba Express, in Warren, Michigan (suburb of Detroit). Ever hear of them? They seem to offer the most extensive training program around here, at 6 weeks for $4800.00.

After the first 4 weeks, you actually spend 2 weeks hauling freight into Canada for their affiliated company (also called Samba Express), with a trainer.

They also work with other companies to place their grads. Most of the other schools I've called offer 2 week programs, and they want up to $6000.00!

So, I may be out there by mid-Feb, or so. Maybe
I'll see ya!

Dec 06, 2008
52 years young
by: Hervy

Hello Rob,

I talked to several companies and they said as long as you could past the dot physical, age was not an issue.

I would think especially since you stayed at that job for that amount of time they would look at you very favorably.

So when you coming out here?

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