Finding a job?

I have currently been unable to drive due to my license being suspended for child support. It has been over a year since I drove a truck. Does anyone know who will hire me after being out of the truck this long?

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Mar 07, 2009
1 year recent verifiable experience
by: Hervy

Yep most companies want at least 1 year recent verifiable experience. Key word is most.

Feb 26, 2009
Haven't driven for awhile.
by: Jimmy

You just have to call around. The job market is different today. If you stay away from trucking too long, most companies want you to either take a refresher course or even start over and go through school again.

Here's a couple companies that are advertising that they will hire you if you need a refresher course. P.A.M. Transport out of Tontitown, Ar which is just west of Springdale. 877) 440-7890 and C.Bean Transport out of the S.East, can't remember where. 800)581-4047

P.A.M. is dry van and is affiliated with Allen Freight Svc out of Fla and C.Bean is dry van and flatbed. His brother, Alton Bean, also has a company. Be sure to explain about your license suspension right up front. Jimmy

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