Fired from job/Next day chosen for Random

by Marilyn
(Windsor, Mo USA)

If a Company fires a driver one day (ex.Tuesday) and driver returns the truck the same day. Driver was suppose to have ride home but the father of the owner wanted to take the female driver another 30 miles from home to a truckstop to see if she could find her a ride home that way.

The female driver ended up walking 125 miles home in the dark with no ride from company that fired the driver. That made the trip home 155 miles. It was either later that day of returning the truck or the day after being fired that the driver received a text message stating the driver was called in to do a Random for the company that had fired the driver the day before.

So my question is Does that driver have to take the random drug screen for that company the driver was fired from?" If a company fires a driver then the next day wants a random done does that mean the driver is still employed with the company?

Why would the driver have to do a random if the driver was already fired the day before? If the company wanted a random shouldn't the company of done the random before firing the driver?

Seems kind of odd for the company to pull a random on an ex-employee. If this driver has to do the random how long do they have to take the random before it effects the CDL?

Now a whole new subject. The driver had ran 2 loads (long haul) loads before being fired. October 4th the driver was fired and should of received that pay the week after. The driver still has not received her final paycheck.

What procedures does she need to follow to get her pay that is owed to her? Does she just need to turn it on over to her attorney?

If you want to email your answers to me or to send me a copy of your answers you can email me:

Thank you for your time,

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Oct 24, 2016
Let me start with this:
by: Anonymous

Your story is FULL of holes in it.

A 125 mile walk is insane.

I can't tell who you are talking about half the time, he, she, them, you... be clear

and I will go out of my way to tell you the 'how and why' of how drug-testing works

It's not the company (unless it's 'reasonable suspicion" is the FMCSA drug pool that they are members of. They don't control. They are just following the law. Its not like they want to spend their money. its their dime and they are thinking just like you are... but.. they have to follow the law.

Drug tests cost money, but yet they are being forced to do this on their dime after termination of employee....

Its a two way street

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