First "argument" with my trucker :-(

by Tay

Boy oh boy!!! What started as a difference of opinion ended with him not speaking to me for two and a half days.

Our phone conversations are all we have while he's on the road so I was SICK, to say the least. To me, that was the equivalent to him not coming home at night for two day's. I was sooo hurt that he was doing this. It happened on Saturday and Sunday so all kinds of negative things were running through my mind.

We finally talked on Monday and I let my pride take over. I told him a loved him "a little" and that I didn't miss him. I was just SO mad. We talked about the future of our relationship and neither of us really knew. We both were just so mad, it was the first disagreement!!

I thought about my actions and the love I have for this man and found the error of my way. I apologized, told him how much I loved him and how much I want this relationship to work.

Although an argument is never good, or maybe it is sometimes in the beginning stages. After the argument and the pride was put aside we calmly and maturely discussed what went wrong, how to communicate better, and how to avoid this happening in the future.

Needless to say I discussed with him how important it is for us to communicate and never run away from our problems. I learned a lot about him and myself as a result of this situation.

Neither of us a perfect. Relationships take work. And being in the situation with a man who you see only maybe 3-6 days a month adds additional problems. But I love my trucker!

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Jul 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

You say you see your trucker for 3-6 days out of the month, well you are lucky, try seeing your trucker for 3-4 days out of 2-3 month time frame!

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