First time being home alone

by Jezebel Rios

Missing Him

Missing Him

I cry every night when I go to sleep and morning when I wake up looking for him. It hurts so much, and the only thing that makes me try and be strong is the fact that we're going to be parents. If I can't control my emotional stress from his absence then I can lose the baby.

I don't know what to do, and his schedule makes it hard to talk to him. I feel like no one understands how much of an attachment we have to each other, he's always been there every second of every day. And now that he's gone back to work without me, it makes me

wish I could be out there too just like I used to. I don't know what else to do besides cry it out and pray..

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Feb 11, 2017
Read This Page for Lonely Trucker Wives
by: Hervy

This is not what you want to hear and not a silver bullet but read the page linked.

I can see that you are attached and this is a significant change. I understand you are pregnant and want him there.

However, there is also the reality. So you have to learn to either adjust to the situation or change the situation.

The pages linked gives you ideas on how to do either or both. Just use what helps you and ignore what doesn't. Wishing the best for you and the baby and marriage. I think it will be fine.

You are reaching out instead of staring at the wall keeping everything inside. That's a huge and smart decision.

Help for trucker wives

One thing to consider, your emotions (in addition to the hormones of being pregnant and a new situation) are affected by the level of security you feel in the current situation.

So, you might initially feel what you read on the page linked to doesn't address how you currently feel.

It does. But it goes deeper to help you feel more secure and comfortable about the situation you are dealing with. That will help minimize the sorrow and uncertainty.

So go to the link, read all of the information and make action steps that you will take to help you and the relationship stay strong.

I spent so much time on the article because of how common I see posts like yours. No need of repeating all of the info here.

Go to this page.
Coping ideas for lonely trucker wives

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