first trip in a big truck

by stephen palmore
(richmond va. )

I guess it was 1960 or there abouts , when my dad and I came out of the big dipper resteraunt , and sitting in the parking lot was a brand spanking new B model Mack , basic green and over sized sun visor.

He had a cold pack reefer , and that brigs motor was just a chugging. That was it , I was a trucker right there and then.

A lot of things happen in life but I was 28 before I got my first chance . An owner operator took me along and was teaching me the trade. We headed down the road one evening to pick up commissary food for the army .

His ol cab over Pete was a little worse for wear but did just fine . Once on the highway that 318 Detroit was barking out the straight pipes , and would make your brain turn to jelly!!

The pick up point was down a little 2 lane country road , as we rounded the corner the whole electrical system died!!

Total black out on a road that had no shoulder ....crap. the lights came on and I asked him whats was that all about?? "I think we have a fire!!! LOVELY!!!

I leaned as far out the cab as I could and I could see the reflection of the flames in the chrome grill of the reefer unit , crap!!!

stop and we'll put it out!!! nope can't stop extinguisher don't work!!!So we drove into a government base on FIRE!!!! I mean a fire !!!

We put it out with a big CO2 rig at the guard shack , and re-insulated the battery cables with a floor mat and made the trip.

I think maybe I should have listened to God at that point but nope before the trip was over I got some diesel fuel on my boots and been there ever since .

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first trip
by: Anonymous

the really funny part was the next day I spotted a 5 lb. kiddy on sale and suggested we mite should get one , I was told the truck was not on fire we don't need one LOL

The first trip in a big truck story seems believable
by: TruckerYitz

you know that story is really believable. in the old days the fire wouldnt burn down the whole truck. the truck was made from metal. and if the seat burned, so you got another board from the lumber yard, and you had a brand new seat....

today one spark and the fiberglass and plastic truck with all the foam would burn in about well faster then i just typed this here on the computer.

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