Flat Broke and Husband is Leaving Next Week

by Love Bug
(Holley, NY)

I am hoping someone has advice...we currently have no money and my husband is leaving next week for OTR..

I am scared to death to be without my husband he is my best friend and love of my life..also

I am petrified because he will not be paid for the first 18 days and we are flat broke...can't pay rent etc.

Any advice how to get through this?

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Sep 18, 2012
i hear ya NEW
by: Anonymous

Well if you have family and friends around you that doesnt mind helping you guys out until he gets his first check that would be great. I have to pay the bills on my own until my husband gets his first chech which could be like a month but my aunt let me borrow some money and his side said they would give us some to put the account so he has money when he needs it. i hope you have support.... good luck to you.

Apr 30, 2012
I know how you feel NEW
by: Shayna

You and I are in the same boat! My fiance left on Friday. Our bank account is seriously overdrawn and I just went to the college bookstore to sell my books from this semester to wire her money for food until she gets paid. I know it really sucks, but it will get better.

In the meantime, have you considered a pawn shop, just until he gets paid? That's what we did before she left, to get her the 100 bucks in administration fees and food money (which didn't last long). Most places will give you 90 days to repay the loan and get your belongings back.

Good luck!

Apr 15, 2012
Simular boat NEW
by: Anonymous

I went from having my husband with me all the time, to having to learn to do everything by myself. My husband just started with McElRoy last week. We dont even know when his first check is supposed to get to me. I hope its soon. We are at the bottom of our savings account (the last 300 bucks) thats supposed last till we do not even know when. I just know its not enough for next months rent. I have couponed for 3 years so the only things we would ever need are food. but its scary. to be low on money and to be by yourself.

I do not really have advice. I am sorry. But i do have a funny story for you. This is when he was driving for a place called Pressure pumpong service of kilgore texas. He did not tell me he would be home and one night someone barged in the door (the door sticks cause the house is not level) > I was sitting in a recliner with my computer and i had never put my computer down so fast in my life! I was getting up to get a gun by the bed! He finally stopped in a doorway and i realized it was him. I told him to NEVER do that to me again cause next time he or whoever will end up with a bullet in thier chest! Now its funny but it wasnt then!

I hope everything works out for you. again, sorry about not much advice but now I know I am not alone after my husband showing me this site. God Bless

Mar 23, 2012
a few ideas NEW
by: Anonymous

Apply for foodstamps and cash aid. If your husband is a company driver, some companies will athorize their drivers to take out a loan each week. Talk to your husband about this; maybe your husband can send you some money. Good luck.

Mar 21, 2012
public assistance NEW
by: Anonymous

Get public assistance

Mar 21, 2012
so sorry NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello and really sorry to hear that, Is there anyway you can go with him. Since you are broke and can't pay rent for now at least you would be with you husband. My Husband just stopped driving big rigs in Feb after doing it for 15yrs bdcause there is no money in it anymore. I do wish you the best and if you need anyone to talk to I'm Here. taylor4here@aol.com


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