Four years experience as trucker's wife - it still gets hard at times

by Roberta
(Fortmadison is )

The truckers wife of four years now . It is very hard at times. We have a 21 year old girl and a 9 year old girl and a 7 year old son who has disabilities.

My husband is gone for a month at a time. So on top of the 2 small kids our 21 year old moved home with our 3 grand kids 3 years old and a 1 year old and she just had our 3rd . On the 27 th of June.

With my husband gone all the time everything from mowing the grass to hiring someone to fix stuff around the house and are cars. Is all on my shoulders. As most women that has a husband that is a truck driver . I have learned that with this life to have a good marriage you have to trust each other and communication is very important.

And even though I know I can talk to my husband about anything there is times I wish I had a friend that knows what it is like in my shoes. Just to have someone to talk to.

I wish everyone a good and safe week.

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Jul 13, 2016
Are you looking for other opportunities
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing. Since you said he was gone for a month at a time, I was wondering about whether you's had considered looking for a different company.

If he has been there a while and has a good record, unless you are somewhere that there are not many trucking companies, he might be able to find something that gets him home more often.

Most trucking companies won't keep you out for that long.

If you haven't looked around, its worth the effort. Because if he can find something that specialized and picks up there near the house he might get paid more and make it home more often.

I am making assumption with what little I know about your situation. I am thinking that if he stays out that long, he is likely at one of the largest companies, which generally pays less per mile than the smaller ones that specialize.

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