Frame Extension

by David
(Manti, UT)

Another question in regards to frame extensions. I see alot of custom tractors that stretch and paint thier frames. Is thier any benifit to this other than astetic value?

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Jun 09, 2021
Tractor Long Extended Frames ???

These long extended truck frames plus trailers are driven on "Flat " straight as an arrow highways ! States such as Virginia, West Virginia .North and South Carolina

Two lane highways on mountains with sharp "kiss my A** curves .

Jan 07, 2009
extended frames
by: jimmy

There is basically no benefit to an extended frame on a power unit, officially that's what a truck tractor is called. You can only gross so much weight on a truck/trailer combination.

Is it legal? yes.

Is it practical, no.

A lot of "show" trucks extend the frames because it looks cool, but most show trucks are not working trucks. there is a difference.

You can not load more weight. there are a couple exceptions. Trucks hauling long steel beams,or concrete rails over 60 ft actually require an extended frame to clear the truck cab. (when turning).......jimmy

Sep 02, 2008
Extended Frames on A Tractor
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello David,

I asked around about that extended frame. From what I gathered people mostly extend the frame just for looks or so that one of those custom sleepers would fit on it.

He did say that there was a certain type of unit that required the extended frame for clearance of the tractor but I forgot what type of trailer that person would be pulling.

oh, and he did say that some guys say that extending the frames gives the big truck a better ride.

Hope that helped.


Sep 02, 2008
Extended Frames on A Tractor
by: The Crazy Trucker

Hello David,

I asked around about that extended frame. From what I gathered people mostly extend the frame just for looks or so that one of those custom sleepers would fit on it.

He did say that there was a certain type of unit that required the extended frame for clearance of the tractor but I forgot what type of trailer that person would be pulling.

Hope that helped.


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