Free Speech Gets The Finger

by Steve
(Chicago, Illinois)

I'm from German decent and recently I bought a small 12 x18 inch German flag for my lock rod pole from flyotr.

I was driving down the highway and one of the cars seen it flying off my trailer. Now first let me say this, I'm a proud American and I was only flying the flag because I'm also German and love my country as well.

These two aholes in a ford pick up got along side of me and started yelling at me and giving me the finger out their windows. I knew it was because of the flag because I was NOT over speeding or tailgating.

They acted like they wanted to swerve into my lane and hit me while I was driving. They knew better not to mess with a semi so they backed off but I was very pissed off because this went on for about 5 minutes.

It was 2 against 1 otherwise I would have taken them on.

Free speech is our first amendment right as Americans and I don't care what kind of flag I fly behind my trailer, I have that right!

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May 14, 2014
For Hervy NEW
by: Anonymous


Thank you my brother. It would seem like you and I go to the same church or listen to the same radio shows while driving. I'm a TRUE American and always have been. I was just sporting my rights to free speech out on the open road for the love of my country as well. Germany has always gotten a bad rap for Hitler and WW11. That's just the way it is and always will be but they have come a long way and respect America now.


May 13, 2014
Overlook Simple People NEW
by: Hervy

Steve, thanks for sharing.

There are always going to be simple minded people out there testing you. When you really look at it, who is sad and afflicted and who is blessed?

Who will suffer from their mindset and who will go through life with more grace?

Who will cut themselves off from certain relationships with people both personally and business wise?

With the answers from those questions in mind and what it means, next time try not to take people's ignorance personal. Maybe pray or meditate for them instead, lol.

In reality, you are not suffering from it, they are and will until they mature and develop a better understanding of life.

Keep trucking my brother! Show your pride with a smile.

P.S. If you want to take them on next time, smile and wave. It will make them sick. lol
Just in case they are actually violent, you might want to get your co-driver to snap a pic of them too, if you can.

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