
by Off The Truck

I am happy being married to a man who is his own boss and makes a very good living as a owner-operator.

He takes excellent care of me financially so much so that I quit my very well paid job to be full time with my teen soon to enter high school.

I have a master degree and worked for a very large company. Our quality of life has improved 100%. I think our experience is rare though because our relationship has always been very strong as best friends.

We have a very high respect for each other, and we both had first marriages that were very painful. I am able to practice my religion and live my own life that is very different from my husband.

It would be difficult to be my own person if we were together every day. We can also live anywhere in the US we want without depending on any local economy. We concentrate on the positive and make the most of the time we have together.

I lived on the truck for four months planning to train as a team driver. I found that the lifestyle is NOT for me, and many drivers are very disrespectful of each other and they seem to hate women.

I had many drivers act like total animals and even beat on our truck and freak out for anything. They made me sick!

These people make the profession look very bad, and I don't think they deserve any woman to trust them or let them enter their home that they most likely are just using for a free shower, home cooked meals, and sex.

I turned off the radio because the men use it for insulting others and talking about the prostitutes they just banged. Too many mental cases are now in the profession, and they make good honest men that I've met in the profession look very bad.

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Nov 09, 2012
Great Post!! NEW
by: Anonymous

I am glad you are content with the lifestyle of trucking, and that it works for the both of you.

That's what counts!

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