Fridge in your truck

So my husband will be taking to OTR soon and I have read about using the plug in coolers in the truck, I guess if there isnt a mini fridge. But when you stop for the "night" how do you continue to keep your food cold? Wont you be turning off the truck? Advice?

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Feb 14, 2009
Gotta keep my soda cold.
by: Jimmy

Hi folks,welcome to trucking. Here's the scoop on refrigerators. A lot of the newer trucks have factory installed fridges. If you get a truck without, then you can either use a cooler that you buy ice for, or buy a 12 volt plug in that isn't really that great. It will stay on while the engine is off, but be careful of the battery drain.

They are cheaply made and not all that great. I would suggest looking beyond the truck stop supply and check out an R.V. supply dealer or maybe the internet.

Buy it in your hometown, so if it craps out on you, you can return it as opposed to having bought it in a far away city that you may not get back to very often.

You will notice that by eating meals in your truck, you'll save money. Buy all your supplies BEFORE you leave out, not in a truck stop. Plan ahead. Also bring laundry detergent.

Don't buy it at the truck stop. If you smoke,look for Indian Reservation sales or tobacco growing states. That's where you pay the least.

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