From a Lady in Trucking

As far as the CB wrangling goes when they (men drivers) start talking S*** I am quick to tell them that I work just as hard everyday as they do.

I run a flatbed by myself. I get just as dirty, lift the same tarps (which weigh almost as much as I do). LOL. I'm a small woman 5'1" @ 130lbs. I'm only 26 but I work hard for whats mine. Most of the time after I make one trip into the truck stop and the drivers see me then they realize I'm in that flatbed alone they are good about cutting me some slack.

I love being out here and wouldn't have it any other way!!! I learned along time ago that this is a man's world out here and if your gonna be in it you gotta learn to play the game and pay your dues.

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Apr 19, 2012
Soon to start! NEW
by: Vanessa

Hey! I'm 5 foot and 100lbs, right now I'm having a really difficult time with this new clutch in the class training truck because it's so tight and I'm not strong enough to push it in and hold other pedals without feeling like I'm flying backwards. Right now I'm having to stuff a sleeping bag behind my back just to reach the pedals. Pretty embarrassing eh? Oh well, I want to do this so badly and I know what the pitfalls are. I know a lot of guys are going to give me a hard time, unfortunately. But I'm a loner and I don't care what anyone has to say to me! This is my life, damnit!

May 06, 2011
by: chellf

I commend you!!! I am 5'4 and weigh 120 I couldn't do flatbed work...good for you!!!

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