Get a dog!! A little dog.

(San Diego, Cailfornia)

Rescue a dog, they snoore just like him but, oh well, you do have to pick up their poop. Oh yeah, you don't have to clean the bathroom as often!! LOL

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Apr 17, 2012
love the idea! NEW
by: Cynthia Harris

I LOVE the idea!!! i need something i can talk to that doesn't talk back or stare at the tv until i have their complete attention. or that doesnt play the "potty game". heres a hint: "I need to go potty" every 5 mins I am trying to cook supper or right when i have to change laundry out, etc. . and all just to get my attention. and by the way this is my 2 year old nephew i am referring to. I do not have him as much as i used to because I have to get a job. and real quick. My husband and i had a blue heeler/austrialian sheperd the first year we were married. he died 3 months after getting him. the neighbor (not even sure who exactly) left us a two page gripe fest with the dogs body. he was supposedly hit and then shot twice. I hope our next place has some kind of fenced in yard or something big enough for a dog.

May 23, 2011
get a dog ...
by: TruckerYitz

my dog him into the ruck at 5 weeks old. he has 1.7 million miles otr been in all 48 5 prov no canada, 5 time zones, most every wall-mart dc, most every rest area most every truck stop, most every us city. ran on the beaches in the east and west, has been pet by new friends most every day of his life. and when i got off the road 2 yrs ago, he looks out the window in the front door and loves to jump into front seat of the small truck i drive around town, he doesnt care that the back of the explorer with the seats down isnt as big as a 72 inch bunk/sleeper, but its still a great view looking out the windows.

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