Getting a CDL after license has been unsuspended.

by Johnny G.

Ok, I keep looking on the internet for an answer but can't find it. Figured I'd give this place a shot.

So, my regular license has been suspended for a while due to an unpaid speeding ticket. In January I'll be getting it cleared and getting my license back. Would it hinder me from getting my CDL?

I was planning on going to truck driving school shortly after clearing my license. I would greatly appreciate the help.

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Nov 09, 2012
Hardtimes are suspension
by: American Trucker

I agree with my good friend Hervey. I'm a training coordinator at a national accredited truck driving school. And it will be hard for you to find employment not that it is impossible have placed many in same situation.

Nov 09, 2012
Getting CDL after a suspension
by: Hervy

You will be able to attend trucking school but I doubt you will find a trucking job until the suspension is a year old.

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