getting a job as a felon

by andrew brown

ive had my cdl sine 07 here it is almost 10 and no job because of a drug charge from 01 is there any hope to be a trucker?

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Dec 31, 2009
jobs for people with felony charge
by: Hervy

Hello Andrew,
man most of the trucking companies that I called on the phone were saying that one felony after 5 years would clear your for a job.

However that just meant you were eligible, of course that doesn't mean that they would actually give you a chance.

Hopefully the will be an increase in opportunity as the economy picks back up and the need for truckers began to rise again.

Your charge is very old, it seems that you shouldn't have to wait too long if there is nothing else that would keep them from hiring you make sure you check out the information on

trucking jobs for felons

and scroll down to read our advice to others in your situation for some ideas of how to try and get a job.

Remember let your attitude shine if you ever called in for an interview or if you ever just stop to talk to a trucking company about getting an application.

Good luck

Dec 30, 2009
Andrew is discouraged.
by: Jimmy

Some companies hire ex-felons, but usually after 10 years lapse. Have you tried C.R. England? Carolina Cargo? Covenant? Jimmy

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